看板 need_student 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.科目:各種程度 英文 英語 法文 法語 2.地點:網路線上教學 3.時間:週一到週六8:00至21:15 4.希望待遇:詳如下述 5.教師性別:男 6.學歷:le diplôme d’électronique à l'Ecole des Arts et Métiers, Ecole d'ingénieurs (d'ingénieurs) de Fribourg 7.國籍:瑞士 8.連絡方式: Line:qiaoladitw 站內信會協助代轉,但是會比較不及時,建議直接聯絡會比較快喔~ (麻煩請使用英文、法文詢問課程內容,討論希望上課的方式喔,因為老師不會中文 QQ) 9.自介或經歷: Who will you learn with ? Gérard, 69 year old retired Swiss citizen. Background in English (fluent), French (fluent, native), German (good knowledge), Italian (good knowledge) languages. Online learning is likely to be important for you in the future, either at university or at workplace. Learning online is different to learning in the classroom as it requires different skills. Taiwan may soon become an official bilingual country with English becoming a secondnational language. Many governments offices and organizations, international companies and local business will have to, or want to hire employees who are fluent, or more fluent in English . https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2020/10/25/2003745766 You may also want to learn a second language like English or French because you plan to go to study abroad after the CoVid-19 crisis is resolved, why not devote a part of your time to prepare your future ? Become an effective online learner and develop your communication skills when working with others. You may learn English or French from beginner level 0 to mid level or more advanced serious students of any age. Lessons are adapted to student's goals, knowledges and needs. Children together with parent accepted. Lecture, listening, speaking, writing, discussion, cooperative learning, memorizing, professionally talking by phone. Which of these values are most important to you ? Share your thoughts by sending a message to my Line app ID qiaoladitw. GRTS is a remote teaching system using video conferencing software with screen sharing that allows students and teacher to easily communicate learn and teach. Screen sharing allows students and teacher to exchange work to do and done. GRTS may use software as Zoom, Google Hangouts, Cisco Webex Meetings, TeamViewer Remote Control or spikenow.com (puts existing email into multimedia conferencing software) from your computer, smartphone or tablet. Assess your current level of confidence. Reflect on the factors which help you to learn effectively online. Define personal learning goals. Contact me by sending a short introduction of you and your desire together with your pinyin first and last names, your mobile phone number, your email address and your Line ID. GRTS Gérard: Line ID: qiaoladitw 您將和誰一起學習? 杰拉德(Gérard)今年69歲,已退休,他是瑞士人。 具有英語(流利),法語(流利,母語),德語(良好知識),意大利語(良好知識) 語言的背景。 將來,無論是在大學還是在工作場所,在線學習對您而言都很重要。 在線學習不同於課 堂學習,因為在線學習需要不同的技能。 台灣可能很快將成為正式的雙語國家,而英語將成為第二種國家語言。 許多政府機關和 組織,國際公司和本地企業將不得不或者想要雇用精通英語或更流利英語的員工。 您可能還想學習英語或法語這樣的第二語言,因為您計劃在CoVid-19危機解決後去國外 學習,為什麼不花一部分時間為自己的未來做準備? 與他人合作時,成為有效的在線學習者並發展您的溝通技巧。 您可以從初學者0級到中級學習英語或法語,也可以學習任何年齡的高級進階學生。 課 程根據學生的目標,知識和需求進行調整。 孩子和父母一起被接受。 講座,聽力,口語,寫作,討論,合作學習,記憶,通過電話進行專業交談。 以下哪個值對您最重要? 通過向我的Line應用程序ID qiaoladitw發送消息來分享您的想法。 GRTS是一個遠程教學系統,使用帶有屏幕共享功能的視頻會議軟件,使學生和老師可以 輕鬆地交流學與教。 屏幕共享使學生和老師可以交換工作和完成的工作。 GRTS可以通過計算機,智能手機或平板電腦將軟件用作Zoom,Google Hangouts,Cisco Webex Meetings,TeamViewer遠程控製或spikenow.com(將現有電子郵件放入多媒體會議 軟件中)。 評估您當前的信心水平。 反思有助於您有效在線學習的因素。 定義個人學習目標。 通過簡短介紹您和您的願望以及拼音的名字和姓氏,您的手機號碼,您的電子郵件地址 和您的線路ID,與我聯繫。 GRTS Gerard:Line ID:qiaoladitw ----學費說明---- Tuitions : Tuitions, payable at least one day before the first lesson. After payment, at least one day before the first lesson, will be a 15 to 30 minutes introduction test to setup the video conference software for the lessons. One lesson is 135 minutes (2 hours 15 minutes) A four lessons course is 4'500 NT$ for one person. A four lessons course is 8'000 NT$ for one couple together, or one parent and one child together. A four lessons course for three persons together on request. 學費: 學費,至少在第一堂課前一天支付。 付款後,至少在第一節課的前一天,將進行15至30分鐘的入門測試,以設置視頻會議軟 件以用於上課。 一堂課是135分鐘(2小時15分鐘) 四節課的費用為每人4'500新台幣。 四堂課的費用為一對夫婦或一對父母和一個孩子在一起的新台幣8,000元。 可應要求提供三人四課的課程。 如果你有興趣,請和我聯絡,請簡單的(用英文)介紹你自己,並說明你的學習願望 ,別忘了,請一併附上你的姓名拼音,手機號碼,電子信箱和Line的ID。 我必定帶給你一個愉快而有效率到學習! 歡迎有興趣的朋友們,直接Line給Gérard喔,謝謝! Gérard -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/need_student/M.1671412211.A.7EE.html