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收錄在LEO37 + SOSS 剛發行的新專輯Be Well World LEO37 + SOSS - Moment ft. 9m88 https://youtu.be/a1MSAOfRHzs
[LEO37] Look at this mess we’ve made Everybody lookin at us like we lost our way Never gave fucks bout a thing we had to say Up against that knife we all bleed the same So forgive me while I speak this pain Cause we out here trying to make a change Everyone out here trying to play this game Got my people acting real strange What’s the basis? Got our babies acting shameless There’s a war outside No one down to ride Spreading lies just to be famous And we give praises To’em fuccboi’s actin basic They used to push Now they actin puss I don’t recognize these faces We know where you came from We all know where you came from Muh’fucka keep it A-1 What happened to your day ones? ‘the fuck you keep your day ones? Watch for when your day comes [9m88] They don’t really care about us Spit this ‘til my people get a cut [LEO37] Man, fuck the airwaves They never wanna give my folk no fuckin airplay Keep us down in the corner all locked inside of their cage I dare you to give me a spot up on that mainstage Watch what takes place Watch me save face Watch me save grace You got my folk out here acting like they’re jokes Trying to be something they ain’t ever been Just to sniff up off your smoke Much love to Eddie Huang Muthafuck fresh off the boat Tell all these Uncle Chan’s better not hear ‘chink’ come out their throats But keep watch as this chink come after throats Couldn’t care less if they ever play this Everyone cool keeping us as nameless But check my paces Never ever sat back and chilled Wanna do biz, It goes 50/50 Man fuck a 360 deal [9m88] Look at the blue skies Then you’ll realize maybe We’re gonna be alright It’s gonna be ok baby ---------- [LEO37] 看看咱們製造的混亂 眾人看似我們失去方向 從不在意我們口中說的 被刀抵著你我同是血肉之軀 請原諒我一吐這滿腹的痛苦 因此刻我們正努力試圖改變 人們無不爭相大淌這灘渾水 讓我兄弟們因此舉止怪異難解 究竟怎麼搞的 我們的孩子變得不知廉恥 外頭整天你死我活 散播謠言只為了圖名求利 無人挺身而出 那些虛有其表的笨蛋 我們卻盲目支持崇拜 他們曾勇於創新 如今卻成了懦夫 我們知道你來自何方 我們全都知道你來自何方 像個男子漢 那些當初一起奮鬥的兄弟們去哪了? 看你究竟怎樣對待他們 大夢初醒之時、你最好睜大眼睛看。 [9m88] 他們其實毫不在乎 在我兄弟得到報酬之前我將繼續以歌詞訴諸 [LEO37] 去他的媒體廣播 他們讓我兄弟任何曝光的機會渺茫無蹤 鉗制我們的存在於暗角牢籠 敢不敢讓我登上舞臺前鋒 我將疾行如風 運籌帷幄 救民水火 你將我同袍玩弄於指間 他們舉止就像笑話 試圖模仿一些他們未曾經歷的模樣 只知道拾人牙慧 向黃頤銘致敬 Much love to Eddie Huang 初來乍到的菜鳥新移民 告訴那些外黃內白的香蕉們最好別再講出‘Chink’ 因為這個 ‘Chink’ 可是來真的 我不在乎這首歌他們究竟聽或不聽 他們也無所謂我們是否默默無名 但看我不曾懈怠的蹤跡 戴月披星 想談生意?童叟無欺 去他的剝削合約在這沒有容身之地 [9m88] 向藍天遠望 然後你就會發掘 我們都會好好的 一切都會沒事的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nmsmusic/M.1505145459.A.428.html
john0liang: 喔喔喔喔喔!讚讚讚! 09/12 08:12
Yanagi5566: 這組合真的很棒 09/13 13:16
faxd: 昨天才認識leo37驚為天人ㄚㄚㄚㄚㄚ 09/13 21:29
lilith: push 09/15 13:41
JOHN0222: 推 09/15 15:42