看板 outdoorgear 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如標題,這兩天我嘗試送修袖口膠條脫膠的外套 在填完原廠官網的表格後我收到了這封信 Thank you for contacting Arc'teryx. We are sorry to hear you are having an issue with your Arc'teryx product. If you are a resident of Hong Kong or Taiwan, please send your request to [email protected]. Once your request is received, you will receive a follow up message with instructions on how to send your product(s) for service. If you reside outside of Hong Kong or Taiwan, please reply to this email to confirm, and an Arc’teryx After-Sales representative will help you. (Please note that customers shipping their product to Arc'teryx directly will be responsible for shipping costs. Return shipping freight costs will be covered by Arc'teryx, but other customs or duties charges may be billed to the customer upon receipt in Hong Kong.) Please let us know if you have any questions. 簡單說香港和台灣的用戶加拿大方已不直接收件,需要聯絡香港方 而在我寄信給香港的信箱後,我又收到了這封信 Dear customer, Thank you for contacting Arc'teryx Hong Kong Aftersale. This is an auto-reply message. Please follow below steps in you wish to submit a repair request on our product. Once your request is received, you will receive a follow up message with instructions on how to send your product(s) for service. Due to the current situation regarding the Coronavirus, our working time may subject to affected without prior notification, it is recommend to contact us before your visit. We will have an initial assessment based on required photos by authorized Arc'teryx Customer Service representative normally within 3 days. Please note we may reject if the issue is not covered under our limited warranty which is determinated by us. Please kindly prepare the following photos for repair request: (*must) *1) Tag numbers on the white care label ** - For Jacket: Inside the pocket; Backpack/Pants: Inner part of the product, Shoes: On the size label inside the shoe. CA#34438 is not the tag numbers required. *2) Photo of issue ** - Please state with the issue briefly and we will have an initial assessment based on these photos. 3) Valid Proof of purchase - 1 – year Free Limited Warranty will be given with providing this proof issued at local authorized dealers - We will determine the date base on manufacture date given to absence of this proof -Discount may be offered for out warranty service *We will REJECT if you copy this proof from Internet or any dishonest behaviour found. All repair/replace work will be performed in Canada, the overall turnover time is around 6-10 weeks depends on seasons. Procedures, terms and condition will be sent in our next replies. 以下是本信重點: 1.需要附上產品的標籤 2.拍下有問題的地方 3.附上購買證明,於當地經銷1年內購買的享有免費保修(那超過一年呢?) 最重要的,維修還是在加拿大 意思是雖然評估改成在香港端,但是還是得寄去加拿大解決 目前就附上照片等進一步消息了 不過我的外套已經過一年甚久,總覺得凶多吉少...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/outdoorgear/M.1586370992.A.1FC.html
hancash: 嗯...光要提出購買證明就頭大了, 04/09 02:51
TURKOGLU: 鳥毛已經越來越多了= = 04/09 03:24
hcwang1126: 購買證明還要是本地的? 04/09 05:05
mcconnell: 團購的話,該如何出示購證? 04/09 06:02
這邊我少說了一點 如果沒有購買憑證,以商品出廠時間開始計算 (所以要拍標籤的原因在這邊) 所以不是一定要拍購買證明 不過鳥毛的確越來越多就是了...
flowwinds: 推 等回覆 看來本地經銷商才購證才有1年免費有限保修.. 04/09 09:02
GoedeMorgen: 跟我團購的可以寄信跟我要 04/09 09:14
jei01: 一年...不是重度爬山者幾乎不會穿壞,毛真多 04/09 09:24
而且很奇怪的一點是 只有港台地區是給香港方做評估(中國呢?) 其他地方都還是給加拿大方處理 不知道是不是港台地區返修比例特別高XD
aries417: 那就直接國外買便宜又實際啊 04/09 11:02
aries417: 然後台灣寄送,美國地址代收再寄回 04/09 12:18
aries417: 把運費當作買追加保固就可以了 04/09 12:20
warm0808: 愛代買等同水貨啊 04/09 12:56
moulder: 安踏排不意外 其實Moosejaw REI都有不錯的保修 04/09 15:21
moulder: 不一定要找原廠 04/09 15:21
看了看香港那邊的友情提示 運費不算修理本身似乎還要收錢 我乾脆送去Magic7修可能比較實(ㄆㄧㄢˊ)際(ㄧˊ)
saphir: 那按照這樣解讀,若國外購買的應該還是直接寄加拿大吧 04/09 16:58
可能看最終收貨地點吧 如果不是港台地址就沒關係
ZARD14: 去年送alpha sv 和beta ar回加拿大 04/09 23:23
ZARD14: beta ar半價換新 sv 免費換新 04/09 23:23
grantchiue: 台灣有任何維修 gore-tex 外套膠條的地方嗎(熱貼合) 04/09 23:32
a8801092: 上次完全沒有被這樣刁啊,才剛拿回來 04/10 13:27
ponypony71: 前幾個禮拜把alpha sv寄回加拿大免費換新的 04/11 09:51
hydra: 跟我團購的可以跟我要下單證明 04/11 16:45
eli7429: 樓上大哥有考慮繼續開團嗎Q_Q 04/12 21:48
P7689: 我的出廠超過五年了,是否直接買新的了... 04/12 21:51
hcwang1126: 先問原廠吧 最近是看7年的不修 04/13 09:42
pk: amersport就是始祖鳥的公司名阿...不是代理商 04/16 11:34
ZARD14: 其實你如果是在國外買的 要強硬點指明你在美加買的 04/16 16:26
ZARD14: 上次收信一開始也是叫我找台灣代理商 台灣代理商哪管你 04/16 16:27
ZARD14: 第二次我又寫信去說台灣代理商不處理 就給我加拿大地址了 04/16 16:29
我去年送venta ar下擺脫膠的時候也是這種作法送加拿大成功 今年同一件外套袖子脫膠他就挑明港台保修歸香港amer管 已經無關台灣有沒有代理商的問題了 ※ 編輯: angenieux ( 臺灣), 04/16/2020 21:41:14
Agito10: 我這幾天也是要送一件外套回去,他們回我由於加拿大維修 04/17 12:41
Agito10: 廠關閉,要我寄往香港的辦公室,信件提到他們有上海的維 04/17 12:41
Agito10: 修廠。 04/17 12:41