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campsaver買了soto爐頭和LifeStraw生命吸管,收到需要回答export相關問題,可能是哪 個產品碰觸到美國export的政策? We apologize, but your order has temporarily been placed on hold. Certain elem ents of your order indicate that your item(s) may be exported.ꀠ嘭rior to ship ping your order, we need to verify that the ordered item(s) will not be leavin g the United States without the valid authorization or export license issued b y the U.S. Government.ꀠPlease answer the following questions (by responding t o this email) to aid in processing your order: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/outdoorgear/M.1655886615.A.08D.html
giveusatank9: https://i.imgur.com/gEExLLZ.png 06/22 16:39
giveusatank9: 我的爐頭沒問題有發貨 06/22 16:39
aoex: 謝謝, 那可能是生命吸管問題 06/22 20:50
nathanel: 上星期趁特價訂的爐頭到現在都還沒發貨,有人也是這樣 06/24 17:44
nathanel: 嗎? 06/24 17:44
f930502: 這波特價我等了8天才發貨,所以要再等一下 06/24 19:01
kobt: CS都會這樣,有時候出貨很快,但通常都頗慢XD 06/24 19:50