看板 part-time 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一、主文 請使用者valorite至part-timeBM板說明#1OoFuhVA (part-time)是否有特殊情形。 二、說明 經其它使用者檢舉,valorite所發表之徵才文#1OoFuhVA (part-time),有以下情形: 檢舉人表示,應徵職務名稱為「行政小助理」,勞務內容卻顯為「銷售人員」, 以社會通念而論,此二職務顯然有極大差異,有刊登不實徵才資訊之嫌。 若檢舉人所言屬實,該行為視為違反本板板規7-B,應處水桶至系統上限為止。 請貴使用者至part-timeBM板發文說明是否有特殊情形。 本文將同時轉寄至使用者osololoso的信箱,請勿回信給板主,否則視為無效。 -- You can Special Summon this card (from your hand or your graveyard or your banished zone) by destroying all the other cards on the field and in either players' hand. If this card is Summoned: destroy all the other cards on the field and in either players' hand. If this card is destroyed: destroy all the other cards on the field and in either players' hand; Special Summon this card from graveyard or banished zone. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/part-time/M.1489822384.A.68C.html angel07:轉錄至看板 part-timeBM 03/18 15:33 ※ 編輯: angel07 (, 03/18/2017 21:52:47