看板 points 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《alvinyang (Hsinchu)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《BlackBerry10 (BBX)》之銘言: : : http://www.accorhotels.com/zh/leclub/hotels-offers/promotion-38658-promotion.shtml : : http://goo.gl/sJdnp4 : : 中文活動出來了, 期間與法版不同. : : *是不是註冊過, 就會直接跳出"預訂"的功能畫面? 而不是"註冊(連結)"的畫面? : : 之前在法版畫面亂點過, 現在沒再出現註冊功能...不確定活動情況0rz : 我在條款裡頭看到: : (英文) : 3. The offer is only valid once for 3 stays per member during the offer : duration, for stays between 23/02/2015 and 31/08/2015 in hotels participating : in the Le Club Accorhotels programme, booked between 23/02/2015 and : 15/03/2015. Stays cannot be consecutive. : (中文) : 3).在活动有效期内,每位会员最多住宿三次(三次以上的住宿将不再享受此优惠)活动 : 不适用于连续入住 : "Stays cannot be consecutive" : 如果是連續三天住不同飯店(比如第一天住A,第二天B,第三天C) : 這樣也不算? 寫信去雅高問了 以下是回覆: ------------------------------ In regards to your request, the bonus points will be credited to your account for 3 valid stays given that it is not a consecutive stay in one hotel. Therefore, if you make a valid stay at 3 different hotels in 3 consecutive days, those are valid stays for the bonus points. ------------------------------ 所以"Stays cannot be consecutive"應該是用來排除同一間旅館住三晚的條款 3天換旅館應該跟上次的8000活動一樣可以安心服用了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1425188773.A.E1A.html