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訂經濟學人雜誌,送亞洲萬里通點數 Earn up to 20,000 Asia Miles with The Economist Choose from the print or digital edition or get the best of both with the premium print and digital subscription, and you can earn up to 20,000 Asia Miles from now until 30 September 2015. 訂閱最便宜的數位版,台幣7500拿8000點 3 years TWD19,125 and earn a total of 15,000 Asia Miles 153 weeks for TWD125 per week Save 48% off the newsstand price 1 year TWD7,500 and earn a total of 8,000 Asia Miles 51 weeks for TWD147.06 per week Save 39% off the newsstand price 參考 http://tinyurl.com/o88t6eo -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1439637662.A.631.html ※ 編輯: lucido (, 08/15/2015 19:23:36
coldshawn: 右上角選US 看到三年381的方案 08/15 19:30
※ 編輯: lucido (, 08/15/2015 19:30:44
crimsonn: 三年美金381元 每哩約0.6 NTD 非剛需不划算 08/15 19:30
lucido: Digital 的,美國地區 三年$305 得15k哩 08/15 19:32
lucido: 好像訂一年比訂三年划算? 08/15 19:34
bluefalcon: 一年的比較划算,里程累入後可以寫信去取消會退費 08/28 10:16