看板 points 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://goo.gl/4ADRXs 如題,好像還沒人分享。 這樣的話AS點數是否要貶值了? -- Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you willmeet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1531887201.A.F44.html
lukeduke: 照內文是說法就直接查到TPE的票就好了吧? 07/18 12:23
alstonfju: 國泰用married segments去限制OW夥伴兌換機位,是不需 07/18 12:41
alstonfju: 要寫在規則裡然後公告嗎? 07/18 12:41
cka: 這樣好像對集亞萬的是優點? 07/18 12:43
san06182003: 想用AS換歐洲香港的直接卡死了QQ 07/18 12:59
youngsam: !!! 07/18 13:16
faekyle: 有明確消息具體什麼時候執行嗎? 07/18 13:19
mithralin: 這是現在進行式 07/18 13:38
moonlee: CA越來越難換QQ 07/18 13:38
fbifxxkma: 最後一波買SPG的不就哭哭了 07/18 13:40
jamesLD: CA換CX頭等完了 07/18 14:18
coolfish1103: CX 不需要寫啊,他位置就是設定要這樣換才有。 07/18 14:55
whitywhitytw: 幸好沒影響到F(誤XD 07/18 14:57
tonylaio: 哭 我在集AS 07/18 17:07
hwusuenn: 那就換頭等就好,既然他這麼玩的話 07/18 17:19
supercha: 喔!所以不影響頭等? 07/18 17:38
APC: 讓子彈飛一會... 07/18 19:45
faekyle: 消息太模糊了 我正要換大禮包 猶豫中,怎麼辦啊 07/18 20:09