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Don Mclean《Vincent》:梵谷自畫像和有烏鴉的麥田 網誌圖文版: http://www.b88104069.com/archives/4074 Guitar: Key:G Capo:0 Play:G G Am C D7 G Starry starry night paint your palette blue and grey look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul. Shadows on the hill sketch the trees and the daffodils catch the breeze and the winter chills in colors on the snowy linen land. Am D7 G G/F# Em Am D7 Em A7 C D G And now I understand what you tried to say to me and how you suffered for your sanity and how you tried to set them free. They would not listen they did not know how perhaps they'll listen now. G Am C D7 G Starry starry night flaming flowers that brightly blaze swirling clouds in violet haze reflect in Vincent's eyes of China blue. Colors changing hue morning fields of amber grain weathered faces lined in pain are smoothed beneath the artist's loving hand. Am D7 G G/F# Em Am D7 Em A7 C D G And now I understand what you tried to say to me and how you suffered for your sanity and how you tried to set them free. They would not listen they did not know how perhaps they'll listen now. Am D7 G G/F# Em Am D7 G G/F# Em A7 C D G For they could not love you but still your love was true and when no hope was left in sight on that starry starry night. You took your life as lovers often do, But I could have told you Vincent this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you. G Am C D7 G Starry starry night portraits hung in empty halls frameless heads on nameless walls with eyes that watch the world and can't forget. Like the stranger that you've met the ragged men in ragged clothes the silver thorn of bloddy rose lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow. Am D7 G G/F# Em Am D7 Em A7 C D G And now I think I know what you tried to say to me and how you suffered for your sanity and how you tried to set them free. They would not listen they're not listening still perhaps they never will. Bob Dylan & Vincent Van Gogh Bob Dylan有一首歌<Three angels>,歌詞是這樣寫的: Three angesl up above the street each one playing a horn Dressed in green ropes with wings that stick out They"ve been there since Christmas morn The wildest cat from Mantana passed by in a flash Then a lady in a bright orange dress One U-Haul trailer,a truck with no wheels The Ten Avenue bus going west The dogs and pigeons fly up and they flutter around A man with a badge skips by Three fellas crawling their way back to work Nobady stops to ask why The bakery truck stops outside of that fence Where the angels stand high on their poles The driver peeks out,trying to find one face In this concrete world full of souls The angels play on their horns all day The whole earth in progression seems to pass by But does anyone hear the music they play Does anyone even try 一首引人沉思的歌謠,順著歌詞聽下來,到最後音樂戛然而止,我也茫然於 Bob Dylan所舖陳的世界裡:三位天使,立在人世間吟詠天籟,然而飄渺幽微 的天籟,喧囂塵世何得以聞之,落凡的天使眼睜著人來車往無人聞問,全世 界都走了,他們還立在原地吟詠天籟。 那天使會感到無以言說的落寞嗎,空有抱負而不遇於世,苦悶,苦悶郤又無 處抒懷,真的無人聽聞嗎? 這令我想起梵谷。 梵谷畫自己,畫中的梵谷總是看著你,他想要說些什麼呢? 他孤高自傲,他睥睨世俗,他鬱鬱寡歡,他愴然猥瑣,我們不知道梵谷是怎 樣活過的,他到汙黑礦坑裡傳教,陰慘景像令他想把它畫下來,他27歲決定 以繪畫作為生命中的熱情,可是飢寒交迫,需要弟弟寄錢才能買顏料,他瘋 狂到割下自己的耳朵,並且依此畫了一張自畫像,他被送進聖保羅收容所, 癲癇瘋,他在收容所裡的花園繼續作畫,1890年,梵谷吞下子彈結束一生的 掙扎,死前留下<有烏鴉的麥田>,一年後,他弟弟過世,骨灰遷移,兩兄 弟埋葬在一起。 --文生賣了一張油畫,這是他生前賣掉的唯一一張油畫,此時,他已經畫 了不下700幅油畫。-- 現今在富比士拍賣場,梵谷的畫作是以百萬天價交易。 於是,梵谷的自畫像成了我揮之不去的幻影。 「我畫了一張素描,一群男女礦工在清晨的雪地朝礦坑裡走去,小路旁是一 排荊棘,這些人在晨曦中隱隱約約,有如影子。」 「我畫畫不是要惹惱誰,而是要激起人家的興趣,讓他們注意到那些值看郤 始終不曾看到的東西。」 「繪畫是要把這無限的世界紀綠下來。」 「將來我的畫會有人欣賞的。不過,我不在乎,就算有人欣賞,我也不會覺 得有多高興。」 「文生為了解釋自己的看法,竟脫掉自己的衣服,跪在地上,什麼都無法讓 他平靜。」 「我很難想像,這個明日畫家會是我這種人,這種上小飯館吃飯,滿嘴假牙 ,還上軍妓院的人。」 「看來兇多吉少,沒有多大希望了,若是他命定得這樣離開人世,好吧,就 讓他死吧,可是,一想到這裡,我心都碎了。」(梵谷的弟弟迪奧) 「我希望這只不過是畫家一時的毛病。我由於割到動脈,所以大量失血,又 發高燒。不過,我很快就恢復了食慾,消化也正常了,身體一天天健康起來 ,心情也一天天平靜。」 「如果我真的必須待在收容所裡,我會慢慢適應的,我想收容所裡也找得到 寫生的題材。」 「、、、、,我以生命為賭注來畫畫,為了它,我可說喪失了正常的理智, 而就我所知,你不是做生意的人,但你能夠以人道關懷作為行事依據,我能 說什麼呢?」(未寫完的信,在梵谷自殺的房間裡找到的) 愛因斯坦評論甘地說道:「很難相信這世上曾走過這樣一個血肉之軀。」對 於梵谷,我也有同樣的悵惘。 屈原到於江濱,被髮行吟澤畔,顏色憔悴,形容枯槁。漁父見而問之日:「 子非三閣大夫歟?而故而至此?」屈原日:「舉世混濁而我獨清,眾人皆而我 獨醒,是以見放。」漁父日:「舉世混濁,何不隨其流而揚其波,眾人皆醉 ,何不餔其糟而啜其醨,何故懷瑾握瑜而自令見放?」屈原日:「吾聞之 ....,寧赴常流而葬乎江魚腹中耳,又安能以皓皓之白而蒙世俗之溫蠖乎! 」乃作懷沙之賦。 於是懷石遂自沉汨羅以死。 自屈原沉汨羅後百有餘年,漢有賈生,為長沙王太傅,過湘水,投書以弔屈 原。 悲古,悲屈原,悲Bob Dylan,悲文生梵谷。 ------ 沅湘流不盡,屈子怨何深, 日暮秋風起,蕭蕭楓樹林。 延伸閱讀:(接近藝術一般的神曲) Jeff Buckley《Hallelujah》:once upon a time…… http://www.b88104069.com/archives/4068 陳明章《幸福進行曲》:酒店裡的《幸福進行曲》 http://www.b88104069.com/archives/37 蒙得你安和《November Rain》 http://www.b88104069.com/archives/32 -- 贊贊小屋: http://www.b88104069.com 贊贊小屋 in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zanzanstory -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/popmusic/M.1467047922.A.170.html