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繼去年為了陸劇《無心法師2》演唱主題曲"無心愛"之後 古巨基前幾天發布由劉燁、林依晨主演的陸劇《老男孩》同名主題曲-"Old Boy" 水管audio版網址: https://youtu.be/Giy5HhonFko
(這隻audio版的mv有翻譯英文歌詞) 其他線上音樂串流平台網址: https://lnk.to/o3cBx 整首歌的歌詞都是英文,很抒情、很動聽 而這首歌最初出現在該劇的劇情預告中 所以當初我一聽到這首歌 用盡所有我聽到的英文歌詞、找歌app下去搜尋卻搜尋不到... 直到前幾天才知道,原來竟然是古巨基演唱的新歌! 雖然還沒追劇 但光聽這首歌與歌詞就可以感受到電視劇與歌曲 想傳達"老男孩"心中那股純粹的熱情~ 推薦古巨基所演唱的 "Old Boy" 給大家聽看看。 【歌詞】如下: 詞:黃星瑞 // 曲:譚旋 編曲:陳思同 // 弦樂:國際首席愛樂樂團 錄音/混聲:馬濤 // 和聲:曾締 Remember when I was younger Thinking 'bout all the fancy things Dreaming 'bout what I'll become And all my foolish fantasies Now that I look back They seem to me so funny But every time I close my eyes I wanna run away Wanna go back to that place Where we can share our feelings I think I still got A place for All my dreams and fantasies Even though I may be Too late for anything Wanna chase my dreams All the fancy things Still got passion in my bloodstream Hope I'm not too late Wanna make a change Don't want to waste my life away Wanna chase my dreams All the fancy things Life is filled with surprise I just wanna do the things I like I wanna run away Wanna go back to that place Where we can share our feelings I think I still got A place for All my dreams and fantasies Even though I may be Too late for anything Wanna chase my dreams All the fancy things Still got passion in my bloodstream Hope I'm not too late Wanna make a change Don't want to waste my life away Wanna chase my dreams All the fancy things Life is filled with surprise I just wanna do the things I like Wanna chase my dreams All the fancy things Still got passion in my bloodstream Hope I'm not too late Wanna make a change Don't want to waste my life away Wanna chase my dreams All the fancy things Life is filled with surprise I just wanna do the things I like -------- p.s.我有點小驚喜 沒想到擅長製作古風抒情韻味歌曲的譚旋,這次譜曲能現代又抒情 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/popmusic/M.1520583697.A.7ED.html
parrykimo: btw劇蠻好看的.... 03/09 23:21
lovekimbum: 書桓!!!!!! 03/10 11:52
hayden218: 為什麼旋律這麼熟悉 雖然想不起一個確切的歌 但副歌好 03/12 19:50
hayden218: 老好熟悉的感覺 有人有同感嗎 03/12 19:50
amandawang: 有熟悉感+1 想不起來是哪裡聽過了? 也可能流行歌 03/12 22:47
amandawang: 的和絃大抵都類似?! 03/12 22:47