看板 skating 關於我們 聯絡資訊
https://imgur.com/a/QwERH 中華直排輪曲棍球女子青年代表隊傳出捷報,9/3在FIRS世界滑輪錦標賽,於直排輪曲棍球 女子青年組冠軍賽扛住壓力,以2:1擊敗義大利隊,拿下我國史上直排輪曲棍球第一金。 賽事精華→https://youtu.be/MV6CXg9SqwI?t=1m6s
[FIRS官網原文] WRG2017 Inline Hockey: France Won Gold In Junior Men. Chinese Taipei Made History In Junior Women A day to remember at Youth Olympic Sports Park Gymnasium in Nanjing: Junior inline hockey world celebrates the victory of France in Junior Men, to confirm the value of french develop program. But most of all, a new member joins the exclusive gold club: with his success in Junior Women, Chinese Taipei is the first Asian nation to win the most wanted medal and hoist the World Cup. https://imgur.com/a/zqL4n JW: Italy – Chinese Taipei 1-2 (0-1) Congratulations Chinese Taipei! And welcome to the golden club. Well deserved, for sure. In the final game, Asian girls played their match with smartness. Pressure was on the italian side, favourite on paper, but maybe a little bit nervous for the historic appointment. Taipei scored in the first period and never lost control of the game. They scored again, but Italy finally found the net. In the last ten minutes Italy pushed hard but a bad penalty just before the end killed any chance. It's another silver for Italy, still in wait for the last step. It's a glory day for Chinese Taipei. Tears of joy, tears of sadness. That's sport. [reference] https://udn.com/news/story/7005/2682363 http://www.rollersports.org/discipline/inline-hockey/news/item/1277-france-won-gold-in-junior-men-chinese-taipei-made-history-in-junior-women -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/skating/M.1504880415.A.919.html ※ 編輯: GoIce (, 09/08/2017 22:35:01