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由於許多連結在之前已經失效了,連結更新到以下的網頁上 https://chingchuanwang.blogspot.tw/p/blog-page_29.html News: Economist, WSJ (中文), FT (中文), NYT(Upshot) (中文), Bloomberg (Youtube) Forum: EJMR Blogs - Project Syndicate, 白經濟 - John Cochrane, Greg Mankiw, Alvin Roth, Paul Romer, Larry Summers, Ben Bernanke, CC Lu Research - AEA, NBER, VOX, Nobel Prize in Economic Science - Harvard Corporate Finance, Chicago Booth Review, IGM, Stigler Center - Brookings, Hoover Institution Top Journals - Economics: AER, Econometrica, QJE, JPE - Finance: JF, JFE, RFS, JFQA - Accounting: TAR, JAE, JAR - Google Scholar, SSRN Data - International: IMF, World Bank, WTO, OECD, UN, Penn World Table, Groningen Growth and Development Centre, OANDA - USA: NBER, AEA, BIS, BLS, BEA, CBO, EIA, FRED (St. Louis), Real Time Data, WRDS (Penn) - Taiwan: 中央銀行, 主計處, 國發會 - Finance: Fame-French, Shiller, S&P Case Shiller, Yale Historical Finance Data, FDIC Banking - Books: This Time is Different, Capital in the 21st century, Joshua Angrist - Others: AEA, Economic Education Web Software - Stata: Princeton, UCLA - R: Princeton, UCLA, Hadley Wickham - Matlab: Duke - Python: Thomas Sargent - SAS: UCLA - LaTeX: ShareLaTeX PhD/Master Application Math Preparation Advice - AEA, Greg Mankiw, Wisconsin Application - Greg Mankiw, Susan Athey, Tony Williams, Simon Board, Mark Foley Cal-State Recommendation - So you’re thinking about a PhD in Economics? - Handbook for preparing for grad school in economics CV (Content and Layout) - MIT (PhD), Chicago (PhD) SOP - MIT, LSE, Berkeley (SOP vs PS) - 嘉文 School Introduction and Ranking - MIT Brochure Book, Chicago Guidebook - Econ: AEA, US-NEWS, ARWU, IDEAS, Tilburg, econphd.net, Cal-State - Finance: ASU - Accounting: BYU, Public Accounting Review - Business School: UT-Dallas Math Review - Martin Osborne (Math Review), MIT (Math for Economists) - Interactive Real Analysis, Statistics Distribution Relationship Chart - NTU 台大經濟, NCTU 交大OCW, 線代啟示錄 PhD Studies - Math Camp: Yale, Columbia - Micro: Jonathan Levin, Ariel Rubinstein - Macro: Randall Wright, Benjamin Moll, Jose Victor Rios Rull, Daniel Sanches - Econometrics: Bruce Hansen, Francis Diebold - Time Series: John Cochrane, Ruey Tsay, Francis Diebold - Asset Pricing: John Cochrane, Markus Brunnermeier, Antonio Mele, Paul Soderlind - Corporate Finance: Michael Roberts - Stochastic Process: Rick Durrett - Other Links: Archive 1, Archive 2 祝福大家申請順利~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1399739145.A.B01.html
txdyorgc00:這篇太有用了 大推! 05/11 00:26
kennedy1024:非申請經濟學科路過推~好多有趣的東西喔:D 05/11 00:35
kerotama:推 05/11 01:03
yin1101:推! 05/11 01:04
stone40licks:讚 推熱心!! 05/11 01:20
kimiraikko:推 05/11 09:47
jackjack369:推 05/11 09:48
slowbob:謝謝你! 05/11 11:39
a963852741l:推 05/11 13:24
roland750917:推 05/11 13:30
Organizer:感謝分享 05/11 18:36
redsa12:這篇太實用了 謝同梯夥伴 05/11 21:06
hsujay0416:推 05/12 01:19
qqvil:謝謝分享! 05/13 09:47
ouskit:推 05/16 14:45
shoinchang:推~~FT中文網的閱讀測驗挺能練習的 06/09 00:48
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