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我是申請ChE MS degree 2016 fall Under=chemistry116 意外超早收到拒絕信 from U of Kansas 經過兩天流淚療傷之後 我發現我不能哭 因為才被拒一間而已 我還有17間 於是我就寄信給他們 為什麼拒絕我 他們的回信中提到 他說拒絕我的原因是因為我是化學系而且沒有修過他們的core courses 這真的是每個學校的concerns嗎 畢竟我已經申請了18間化工(我申請的program大部分都說歡迎under不是化工申請 我才 申請 甚至我還申請了uh uf的meng 他們網站上說專門給under非化工的唸) 如果都是這個理由拒絕我 我會嘔死 畢竟自己弄了18間真的花了不少力氣在為每個program 寫出specific SOP 請問版上大大們 給provisional students 的offer多嗎 回信如下: Hello Hxxxx Our admissions are extremely competitive. You had a fairly strong application, but our department has a very limited number of funded positions and we had a large number of extraordinarily qualified applicants. As a result the admissi ons committee decided not to make you an admission offer. Your statement of pu rpose, resume, and letters of recommendation were all excellent. The main reas on you were denied was because your undergraduate degree in Chemistry, not Che mical Engineering. We have 5 prerequisite courses that we expect any student c oming into our graduate program to have taken (Momentum Transfer, Chemical Eng ineering Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, and Kinetics). You have not taken any of these courses. The only way we could have admitted you is as a provisional student, and the committee had enough extremely well qualified applicants to fill the open positions, so they decided not to admit any provis ional students at this time. Please know that our decision does not necessaril y reflect your potential or abilities. We do wish you all the best in your fut ure endeavors. Kind Regards, MXXXX 剩下的17間: MS: Purdue CMU TAMU VT UKentucky UWashington USC CSMine UPitts Rice UF MSU UH NCSU PhD: Penn State Cornell UT Austin 不好意思 看在小魯要上班還要申請自己弄的份上 不要鞭太大力 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1452923539.A.A33.html
chieher: 才一間就嘔死。難道你想要 17 間全壘打膩 01/16 14:17
lolowowing: 建議別想太多,才第一間而已不代表之後不會有好結果 01/16 14:35
bluebluelan: 正常 全盤皆墨的也一堆 01/16 14:46
bluebluelan: 我覺得只是找個理由把你篩掉而已 01/16 14:46
deacon: 還有17間有什麼好哭的啊 lol 哥以前被連續打槍8 9間過 01/16 15:07
popstarkirby: 沒修過prereq被拒絕非常正常,行政人緣篩選時可能 01/16 15:18
popstarkirby: 直接分開擺了 01/16 15:18
ilovedandan: 才一間而已~ 在怎麼強也一定會收到拒絕信 01/16 15:19
ilovedandan: 每間concern的點都不同 只能說無緣啦 01/16 15:19
kk126203: 加油啊 我也是挫勒但XD 01/16 17:54
joannechild: 真的,不要太難過,還有很多間等你 01/16 18:02
fishlinghu: 加油啦 01/16 19:10
TheBeast: 17間.....很穩吧@@ 01/16 19:56
mickuo2000: I think you should be happy about it. They don't u 01/17 00:57
mickuo2000: sually provide detail reasons for rejection. I thi 01/17 00:57
mickuo2000: nk they are kind enough and value you enough to re 01/17 00:57
mickuo2000: ply your questions. Cheer up. I think you will do 01/17 00:57
mickuo2000: just fine. 01/17 00:57
flyingahead: 17間不用擔心啦!good luck!! 01/17 12:31
theWANDERER: 看這信的意思是你一定要fundnig? 01/17 18:40
Rubythu: 17間.....我現在好抖..... 01/17 21:09
ivan1209: 我當初10間只上一間,沒給我rejection好像還兩間 = = 01/18 07:21
ivan1209: 連rejection都懶得發我才想哭吧XD 01/18 07:21
roy047: 沒給rejection可以要求退報名費嗎(誤 01/18 12:52
roy047: 話說對方肯回信說明理由算是賺到了 很多都不理的 01/18 12:58
shizz: 有聽說美國大學是這樣,想拿到master in 01/19 01:06
shizz: engineering,大學基本上需要engineering 01/19 01:06
shizz: 的degree,化學是science(理學院),這 01/19 01:06
shizz: 是我朋友之前上網研究+跟學校人員詢問過 01/19 01:06
shizz: 的結果,剛好也是化學想轉念化工碩士。最 01/19 01:06
shizz: 後是決定重念化工學士,把缺的課補齊。 01/19 01:06
kevin0401: 每間學校著重的點不太同 無法以一概全就是 01/19 02:28
wayne10610: 我剛也收到一間1/10才截止的reject,原本還當保底... 01/21 00:51
wayne10610: 現在覺得是不是要收集到連續的20封拒絕信了...很慘 01/21 00:51
pinky7982: 可以請問樓上是哪間嗎?謝謝 01/21 15:47
winson0507: 加油啦 同為申請化工的 等得好累 01/22 02:00