看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如題,不知道是否有人收到過UTD的這個獎學金?主要是可以用in-state-tuition付一年3 個學期的學費。 學校要求3/2前回覆,因為也還在等其他學校,可能也無法那麼快決定,主要有以下幾個 疑問: 1.如果先接受了,到時候決定去別間學校是否會有4/15大限的限制? 2.如果我先修了MS的program2學期再cancel dual degree是不用還錢,也還可以繼續享有 最後一學期的費用減免嗎? 3.看起來要修UTD評價最好的Full-Time MBA Cohort programs也是可以,只是有規定要先 修MBA再MS。因為小弟主要還是以在美國找工作為主,這個program的MS是否也適用有STEM ?(我原本的MS是BA有STEM)還有這樣可能修2.5~3年,好像真的久了點,也不知道MSBA+MBA 當地是否工作比較好找... 信件大概內容如下,也順便給還在申請的人參考,不好意思問題有點多,希望有對這個獎 學金和這個program熟悉的人幫忙解答了,感激不盡!! 也祝還在申請的戰友們一起上理想中的學校! You have been selected to receive a UT Dallas Naveen Jindal School of Manageme nt New Dean's Excellence Scholarshipor all 2018semester. The scholarship commi ttee believes that you will be an ideal candidate for the dual MS-MBA program based on your academic achievement and work experience (see link below) http://jindal.utdallas.edu/masters-programs/ms-mba/ It is important that you follow all of the instructions below. Failing to do s o could cause delay or cancellation of your award. To secure your scholarship award, we ask that you agree to enroll in our dual MS-MBA program. Please be advised that: This is not a commitment and you are NOT obligated to start or complete the se cond degree (for example, MBA program). You start your primary MS degree first and no need to take any MBA course at a ll. You may cancel your dual degree status after the completion of two long semest ers (Fall and Spring) with no penalty. There is no need to apply for this dual MS-MBA program. When you come to UT Da llas, we will change your program. Again, enrolling in the MS-MBA program will not affect your desire to ONLY com plete the MS or the MBA depending upon your preference. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1518184848.A.9CB.html ※ 編輯: jacky5421 (, 02/10/2018 00:26:20
howard77715: 我就是拿這個獎學金在utd一年畢業,第一點不清楚,但 02/10 10:10
howard77715: 我覺得可以先接受。第二點的話可以,我自己就是兩個02/10 10:11
howard77715: 個學期後取消,還是有最後一學期減免。第三點,我記02/10 10:12
howard77715: 得這個獎學金是給pmba 不是cohort mba,ms修有沒有02/10 10:13
howard77715: stem的都可以,找工作認真找應該都還找得到,就看你02/10 10:14
howard77715: 自己想不想做而已02/10 10:15
感謝資訊提供! 看來我就是不管MBA,拿獎學金後第二學期再去取消。
avd127: UTD 的學經歷幫助不多,挑個喜歡好畢業的念,趕快拿 OPT02/10 13:42
avd127: 比較實在02/10 13:42
我朋友也是這麼說...拿個門票去美國找工作用的 ※ 編輯: jacky5421 (, 02/10/2018 16:07:02