看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Joint PhD Project City University of Hong Kong and National Tsing Hua University PhD position opening: A PhD position in City University of Hong Kong is available in the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (MBE) under the supervision of Dr. Alice Hu. Applicant conditions: * Scholarship is fully funded for three (PhD) or four years (Master+PhD). * Willing of locating half periods of time in Hong Kong and half periods of time in Taiwan. * Interviews are expected to take place in English via Skype. Introduction: Multiscale material research group focuses on ab-initio and molecular dynamics. By joining our group, you will participate in very innovative and fundamental material modeling and analysis technique. We are currently in a strong collaboration with world-leading research groups of Prof. King-Ning Tu ( http://www.seas.ucla.edu/ethinfilm/professor.html ). The selected candidate will work on the development of complex coding workflows to analyze 3D IC packaging system level reliability with machine learning libraries. A self-motivated, easy-going, and hard-working candidate is highly expected. Eligibility criteria: * Familiar in LINUX and coding (Fortran, C, python, perl, etc) * Master degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry, materials science, or related field is preferred, while exceptional Bachelor degree holders are also welcome. * English skills: IELTS>6.5, or TOEFL>79, or CET-6>490. Contact: Interested candidates can contact me (send CV, transcript, and English certification), Dr. Jyh-Pin Chou, [email protected] * 杜經寧老師(Prof. King-Ning Tu)為中央研究院院士,2016年於UCLA退休, 目前為交大材料科學與工程學系特聘講座教授 http://www.mse.nctu.edu.tw/teacher/ins.php?index_id=38 此篇雙邊連合博士學位(香港城市大學與台灣清華大學),未來題目將卓重 在透過 machine learning 研究 IC reliability,此研究將會與IC產業緊密結合。 若有任何細節上的問題,請直接與我聯絡(Dr. Jyh-Pin Chou) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1524024442.A.043.html ※ 編輯: DMFC (, 04/18/2018 21:31:17
yoche2000: 城大本科間有個俗諺 本科不讀書 城大PhD 10/21 12:04