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GMAC MBA & Master's Tour (Online Event) 【Date】June 25, 2024 (Tuesday) 【Time】19:00-21:30 (Taiwan time, GMT +8) 【FREE Registration】https://bit.ly/3QSuogc 【Agenda】 --Access to the Virtual Platform Registrants will receive the link to the virtual platform one hour before the event start time to explore the platform features. --Opening Admissions Panel The event will kick-off with an exclusive panel of b-school admissions insiders sharing their insights and expertise about the application process. --MBA Talks Join a 20-minute presentation with Q&A hosted by individual schools. --1:1 Video Calls Schedule 10-minute one-to-one video calls with admissions representatives from your top choice schools. --Resume/CV Clinic Get expert advice from an admissions rep on how to boost your application during a 10-minute resume/CV review session. --Virtual Networking Explore programs and chat directly with admissions teams in the universities' virtual booths. --Chance to win USD 275 GMAT Voucher -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1716450681.A.06C.html