看板 studyabroad 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原本以為博班招滿了,但今天聽老闆說還有在招,問他需不需要幫忙打廣告,所以我就來打 廣告了xD 我們主力是做EDA/CAD的。老師說想找以下三個研究方向的PhD學生: Our research group has three openings for self-motivated Ph.D. students in the following areas. If you are interested, please email your CV, transcript and research interests. 1. Developing EDA Tools to Enable Heterogenous Integration (HI) Position Description: The position will involve the development of: Electronic design automation (EDA) algorithms for the design of HI-based (2.5D and 3D) systems EDA tools for SoC disaggregation and pathfinding EDA tools for thermal and power analysis of 2.5D and 3D architectures Minimum student qualifications: Strong C/C++ programming skills Motivation to read research papers to understand state-of-the-art models and cha llenges Basic knowledge of algorithms and data structure Basic knowledge of VLSI design using chiplets 2. Developing EDA Tools for Environmentally Sustainable Computing Position Description: The position will involve the development of: Models to estimate carbon footprint for different design technologies. Electronic design automation (EDA) algorithms that analyze and optimize large-sc ale systems for carbon footprint Sustainability-centric design techniques for VLSI systems Minimum student qualifications: Strong Python programming Motivation to read research papers to understand state-of-the-art models in desi gning chips for environmental sustainability Basic knowledge of the VLSI design flow 3. Developing ML-based EDA tools Position Description: The position will involve the development of: Machine learning models for physical design problems (timing analysis, power, th ermal, place and route) ML-EDA research infrastructure and open-source development Large-language models to assist chip design Reinforcement learning algorithms for chip design Minimum student qualifications: Strong Python and C/C++ programming Motivation to read research papers to understand state-of-the-art algorithms in EDA Basic knowledge of the VLSI design flow Basic knowledge of machine learning 實驗室網頁:https://faculty.engineering.asu.edu/vidyachhabria/ 下面幫ASU打個廣告,大phoenix地區整體算宜居,也很安全,而且感覺台灣人越來越多了。 路上基本上沒什麼行人跟遊民,一整年大概有87%時間是好天氣,冬天不用鏟雪,車子不怕 發不動。天氣那麼好,心情真的很難變差,是不是很適合做研究呢( ) 有問題歡迎站內或留言,求大佬加入帶我飛QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyabroad/M.1716458063.A.37C.html
NTUEE2CS: 推分享 ml+EDA 做的東西挺學術的 05/24 03:42
※ 編輯: EEQQ102938 ( 美國), 05/24/2024 04:40:07
mmonkeyboyy: 這Sachin的學生啊 05/24 12:45
peter98: 遊民是大城市才有的問題,不要被台灣新聞誤導了 05/24 22:14
EEQQ102938: Downtown phoenix會有啦,但也很少,tempe校區也離dow 05/25 02:28
EEQQ102938: ntown有一段距離,阿夏天真的沒什麼行人xD 05/25 02:28
iamking05: Downtown phoenix campus 很棒啊 畢業路過推 05/25 09:55
zzzz8931: 天氣是好過頭了吧 05/26 06:17
EEQQ102938: 11-4月挺舒服的啦:) 05/26 08:20
petingo: 好好喔 06/14 08:41