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: 二、中翻英(文體不限):15% : 少年不識愁滋味,愛上層樓。愛上層樓,為賦新詞強說愁。 : 而今識盡愁滋味,欲說還休。欲說還休,卻道天涼好個秋。 TUNE: Chou Nu Er “Ugly Boy-Servant”/Cai Sang Zi “Picking Mulberries” TITLE: "Written on a Wall on the Way to Boshan" -- by Xin Qiji (1140-1207) -- Translated by Frank C Yue In my youth I knew not what were grief and woe -- Up the storeys I loved to go, Up the storeys I loved to go. For all my new songs I just feigned grief and woe! Of grief and woe I’ve tasted the flavours today -– I’d like to talk but just wouldn’t say, I’d like to talk but just wouldn’t say. O! What a chilly Autumn, what a fine day! https://forum.hkej.com/node/115296 -- https://www.facebook.com/raby.chen.5?fref=nf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyteacher/M.1460779154.A.3A9.html
lovbali: 有意思,推! 04/16 13:25
jefffong5464: 翻得真不錯耶!推一個! 04/16 15:04
jefffong5464: 還有押韻 太強大了 04/16 15:05
denise7023: 推分享! 04/16 15:11