看板 studyteacher 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一、翻譯(每題3分)(待版友補充)(英文是我自己亂翻的,參考一下就好XD) 1. 我能感同身受你的處境,因為我也曾經是這樣 I can relate to/identify with you because I have been there. 2. 我沒有笨到去相信不誠實的Glen會真話。(know,...) I knew better than to trust the dishonest Glen's words. 3. 阿諛奉承是沒有用的(get...),你不要再白費力氣了。 Flattery won't get you anywhere, so please don't waste your energy/breath. 4.直到全球暖化開始威脅世人,世人才意識到全球暖化帶來的急切威脅。 Not until global warming took its toll on human being did we realize that the threat of global warming was looming. (這題的wording和翻譯,看看就好XD) 5.去年,台灣寬頻普及率創紀錄新高,百分之七十的家庭都可使用網路。 Last year, the prevalence rate of broadband in Taiwan ranked new high; seventy percent of families had access to the Internet. 6. (關鍵字: .........) 二、申論題 1. Teacher's professional development (A) what will teacher benefit form teacher's professional development? (8%) (B) what other items/categories could be added? (7%) You are welcome to challenge the authorities if you disapprove teacher's professional development. Please list the way you are going to improve it. 2. Elective course. Please list the objective, ideal student numbers, material, evaluation, procedure and activities. (15%) ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyteacher/M.1464506046.A.54A.html
alukilee: 覺得好寫嗎?原po大大 05/29 15:50
littlebinroy: 我沒有笨到去相信不誠實的Glen會真話。 05/29 16:41
iamred: 我看第一次的時候以為樓上在罵人XD 05/29 17:53
littlebinroy: 阿諛奉承是沒有用的(get...),你不要再白費力氣了。 05/29 20:44
jefffong5464: 現在才發現怎麼翻譯都那麼負面XDD 05/29 21:10
jefffong5464: 所以它是希望我們翻成Flattery won't get you 05/29 21:11
jefffong5464: anywhere. 嗎? 05/29 21:12
hoinoi: 不太知道什麼是教師專業評鑑 所以我把它徹頭徹尾罵了一遍 05/29 21:33
hoinoi: 不知道15分他會給我幾分XD 05/29 21:34
hoinoi: 閱測有一篇講蝙蝠 一篇講民主 都超難 05/29 21:35
jefffong5464: 他有說You are welcome to challenge阿XDD 05/29 21:35
hoinoi: 篇章結構那篇考幾種翻譯錯誤的情形 也很難 05/29 21:35
jefffong5464: 只要言之有物,分數應該不會太差 05/29 21:36
littlebinroy: 去年,台灣寬頻普及率創紀錄新高,百分之七十的家庭 05/29 23:08
littlebinroy: 都可使用網路。 05/29 23:08
※ 編輯: jefffong5464 (, 05/29/2016 23:19:01
littlebinroy: 想起來了,好像是「我以為眼鏡不見了,後來發現它在 05/30 14:36
littlebinroy: 我的鼻子上。」 05/30 14:37
littlebinroy: 第四題應該是全球暖化破壞植物開花型態 05/30 14:37