看板 studyteacher 關於我們 聯絡資訊
一、How to teach speaking? 二、Do you agree with the following statement "Competition for higher grades will limit students' potential of all levels"? Why? 三、International perspective is very important. The following is a news report about Middle East refugee's problem. How will you use this material to teach in class? http://i.imgur.com/0smd0Fd.jpg
四、The following are two articles. Please design the questions of (1) Vocabulary (2) Cloze test (3) Sentence Completion (4) Reading comprehension (5) Translation ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/studyteacher/M.1493441242.A.B51.html
jefffong5464: X四 的第一篇文章是關於 Blinking(眨眼) 04/29 12:53
shiangyih: 只有我覺得題目超級多嗎? 04/29 13:00
Estella: 謝謝分享! 然後我也覺得題目多... 04/29 13:46
bibu4832: 推記憶力超好!!! 04/29 15:44
doylechou: J大,感謝你~ 04/29 16:00
tinamisu: 覺得題目出的很好! 謝謝分享~! 04/29 16:01
koheik2: 太神了,該部會偷拍照吧? 04/29 21:00
jefffong5464: 怎可能拍照,邊吃武嶺對面的三媽臭臭鍋邊回想的啦XD 04/29 21:02
Etsuko: 第一題更確切地來說是問activities for improving oral 04/29 21:20
Etsuko: fluency 04/29 21:20
Etsuko: 四(3)應該是passage completion 04/29 21:22
u9302041: 關於第一題訓練英語口說,我自己覺得其實應該是教學生如 04/30 00:05
u9302041: 何聚集想法並有組織地說出內容! 04/30 00:05
loi45678: 題目超多+1 請問最後非選是兩篇文章各出單字跟克漏嗎? 04/30 07:00
jefffong5464: 單字有出現的都可出吧,Cloze 挑一篇出~ 04/30 08:29