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Bogdan Bogdanovic: “Every day you have something to prove” Bogdan Bogdanovic:"每天都必須證明些什麼" 14/SEP/19 16:18 Bogdan Bogdanovic is ready for the next challenge Bogdan Bogdanovic準備好迎接下個挑戰 By Dionysis Aravantinos, Aris Barkas / [email protected] BEIJING – Serbia finished off the FIBA Basketball World Cup in China with a win over the Czech Republic, but the loss against Argentina is still running through the players’ minds. 塞爾維亞最終擊敗捷克結束在中國世界盃的旅程,但輸給對阿根廷的敗仗仍在球員心裡 迴盪。 “We are honestly upset, because of the first loss against Spain”, said Bogdan Bogdanovic when talking about his takeaways from the World Cup. “It’ s the first time we experienced being the favorites of the tournament. It affected us and motivated other teams. It’s important that we keep the chemistry and show character”. "我們真的很沮喪,因為第一場敗給西班牙",Bogdan Bogdanovic談到他的世界盃之旅。 "這是我們第一次在這賽事成為大熱門。這影響了我們且激勵了其他隊伍。重要的是我們 保持化學變化並展現成果"。 When asked about fans chanting MVP, MVP he said: “MVP is for who wins the trophy”. Bogdan also talked about his upcoming season with the Kings and if his status changed after his individually great tournament in China: “No, it ’s different when you play for the national team and for the clubs. Every day you have something to prove”. 當問到觀眾向他大喊MVP、MVP時,他說:"MVP是屬於贏得獎盃的人的"。Bogdan也談到即 將到來的下個在國王隊賽季及他在中國的比賽個人如此優異表現後是否狀態有所變化:" 不,在國家隊打球和在職業隊打球是不一樣的。每一天都需要證什麼"。 https://youtu.be/nmVxOUl9iwA
Eurohoops https://tinyurl.com/y4hurqhc -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1568520543.A.24F.html
kobeliu: 推Bogdan 09/15 12:20