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How Argentina manufactures long-serving players 阿根廷如何創造出在場上長壽的球員 09/09/2019 NEWS 5 MIN TO READ DONGGUAN (China) - The life span of a basketball player at a professional level can be capped at a decade long. Anything above that while performing as they would in their mid-twenties is pure genius, extraordinary and worth celebrating. 一位職業籃球選手的生涯長度可以被限制在十年內。當他們在二十出頭歲時展現的是純粹 的天賦,非凡且值得慶祝。 For Argentina, it is quickly becoming a culture to create a platform that grooms players to outlive the status quo and document their own special story. In soccer, the Italians are known for this legacy and now the Argentines are on a basketball mission. 對阿根廷而言,創造一個平台能夠培養球員延長他們的球員生涯並記錄更多他們特別的故 事正迅速形成一種文化。在足球界,義大利已經以這傳統聞名,而現在阿根廷在籃球界執 行這項任務。 At 39, Argentina center Luis Scola is averaging 17.8 points, 7.8 rebounds and 1.6 assists at the FIBA Basketball World Cup and is not yet done. He has confessed that there is a slim chance that he could take part in the 2023 edition. Why not? He says that it will depend on how he feels in the coming years. 39歲的年紀,阿根廷中鋒Luis Scola在FIBA世界盃場均得到17.8分、拿下7.8個籃板和1.6 次助攻,而這還沒結束。他承認還有微小的機會他將參與2023年的世界盃。為什麼不呢? 他說這將取決於他接下來幾年的感受。 So there is a chance after all. 總之是有這麼樣的機會。 Scola sits in second place of the all-time scoring table of all-time at a FIBA Basketball World Cup but it is his humility, continued commitment and hunger to be at his best that has always challenged his younger teammates like 21-year old debutant Maximo Fjellerup who are growing into the system. Scola在FIBA世界盃歷史得分榜佔據第二位,但他仍然謙遜,持續的承諾和對付出全力的 渴望讓他總是向在體系中成長的21歲初登場的年輕隊友Maximo Fjellerup挑戰。 "WHEN OUR PLAYERS STARTED TO PLAY IN THE NBA AND IN TOP LEAGUES IN SPAIN, THEY BROUGHT BACK A LOT OF KNOWLEDGE ON HOW THEIR TEAMS WERE OPERATING." - Former Argentina team doctor Diego Grippo "當我們的球員在NBA及西班牙頂級聯賽打球時,他們帶回了很多他們球隊運作的知識," ─前阿根廷隊醫Diego Grippo。 In an exclusive interview with FIBA.basketball, Argentina's team doctor from 1998-2018 Diego Grippo reveals that a change in nutrition and sleeping patterns was at the heart of Argentina's golden era that saw them dominate South America and earned a place at the high table of world basketball. 在接受FIBA獨家採訪時,這位阿根廷1998-2018年間的隊醫Diego Grippo透露營養和睡眠的 變化是阿根廷黃金世代的核心,可以看到他們掌控了南美洲並在世界籃壇取得一席之地。 Winning the FIBA AmeriCup in 2001; finish second at the FIBA Basketball World Cup in 2002; winning gold at the Athens 2004 Olympics and bronze four years down the road; finishing second in the FIBA AmeriCup in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2015 and 2017, third in 2009 and 2013 and winning it again in 2011 - Argentina has enjoyed a lot of success since the turn of the century. 2001年FIBA美洲盃冠軍;2002年FIBA世界盃第二名;2004年雅典奧運金牌及四年後的銅牌 ;2003、2005、2007、2015、2017的FIBA美洲盃第二名,2009、2013年的第三名及2011年 的再次奪冠─阿根廷在這個世紀享受了許多的成功。 "One of the things that helped our program work very well is that we had the same group of players for more than 12 years and great coaches. I think they executed this very perfectly. We do not have the same talent as countries like Serbia, Spain, Russia and Lithuania. We have limitations so we work around this program to help us stay with the same group of players," Grippo explains with a smile on his face. "幫助我們這項計畫進行的非常好的一個關鍵是,我們在超過12年間有著同一批的球員且有 很優秀的教練。我認為他們非常完美的執行了。我們沒有像塞爾維亞、西班牙、俄羅斯及 立陶宛那樣的天賦。我們有極限所以我們在同一群球員身上執行這項計畫,"Grippo帶著 笑容解釋道。 According to Grippo, an average Argentine eats a lot of pasta and small portions of meat - this he and the coaches agreed was not good enough for the players. They also had to change the players' sleeping routine so that they rest well and fully recover. 根據Grippo所說,阿根廷人通常進食大量的義大利麵及少量的肉類─他和教練團們都認為 這對球員來說不夠好。另外他們也改變了球員的睡眠習慣,讓他們在良好的休息下獲得充 足的恢復。 "We used to practice twice a day but the players told us that in their clubs in the NBA, they were training once. Manu [Ginobili] said this about the San Antonio Spurs and we realized this was something we had to adjust to and then switch the players' diet to more protein, less carbohydrates and a lot of vegetables." "我們以往一天練球兩次,但我們的球員說他們在NBA一天只訓練一次。Manu (Ginobili) 說了馬刺隊的情形,而我們意識到我們必須調整且需要改變選手的飲食增加更多蛋白質, 更少的碳水化合物及大量的蔬菜。 https://tinyurl.com/y3nd98ol Ginobili retired one year ago last month at the age of 41 Ginobili在去年滿41歲後的一個月退休 "Our players do not necessarily play the full 40 minutes. They will do 15, 20 or 25 minutes so to be very effective, they need proteins because that is what the body needs. As soon as we put this into effect, we started to see the difference. You can now see it from the way we play at the World Cup." "我們的球員不需要上場40分鐘。他們可以上場15、20或25分鐘,這會非常有效率,他們 需要蛋白質因為這是人體所需。當我們一開始實行後很快就看到差異。你可以從我們現 在參與世界盃的樣子看出。" "The secret of our program also is that we have had the same four coaches in the last two decades and they are the ones that select the players and run the same program because they understand the good effects it has on our eventual success." "我們計畫的另一個秘訣是過去二十年來我們有同樣的四名教練,而他們負責選擇球員及 執行同樣的計畫,因為他們瞭解好的作用並顯現在我們最終的成功上。" Basketball coaching guru Julio Lamas took over Argentina in 1998 through to 2000 before Ruben Magnano who was his assistant took over until 2004. The consistency played a remarkable role in helping the team adjust to the new way of doing things. They won the Olympics in Greece - their highest moment in world basketball. 籃球教練名家Julio Lamas在1998年到2000年掌管阿根廷隊,而之後他的助手Ruben Magnano接手直到2004年。一致性在幫助團隊適應新的方法上扮演了重要角色。他們在希臘 贏得奧運金牌─他們在世界籃壇的最高紀錄。 Fernando Duro then took over the top job and was assisted by Sergio Hernandez and Gonzalo Garcia from 2005-2010. However, at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Hernandez who was considered as having a more understanding of world basketball was appointed as the head coach and he requested Garcia and Lamas to work with him. The pairing already understood the system and the continuation made things easier. 接著Fernando Duro在2005年到2010年間接掌了職務,並由Sergio Hernandez及Gonzalo Garcia協助。然後,在2008年的北京奧運,被認為對世界籃球更加瞭解的Hernandez被指 派為總教練,而他讓Garcia和Lamas和他一起合作。這個組合對系統的熟悉和延續性讓事 情變得更簡單。 Lamas returned in 2011 as the head coach assisted by Garcia at the Pan-American Games for his vast knowledge of South American basketball before Hernandez returned to the picture as his assistant. The latter is the current coach at the World Cup in China. 由於對南美洲籃球的豐富知識,Lamas在2011年泛美運動會回任總教練並在Hernandez回到 他的助理教練版圖前由Garcia擔任助手。而Hernandez則是這屆中國世界盃的總教練。 https://tinyurl.com/y2yc59rd Scola and Argentina won Gold at the Athens 2004 Olympics in Greece Scola和阿根廷隊在2004年希臘雅典奧運贏得金牌 Before Scola, Ginobili retired at 41 while Andres Nocioni and Pablo Prigioni played competitive basketball for Argentina and at club level until they were 38. Argentina will be looking to continue keeping their talent healthy and productive. 在Scola之前,Ginobili以41歲的年齡退休,而Andres Nocioni和Pablo Prigioni在阿根廷 隊上仍有競爭力並在職業隊持續打到38歲。阿根廷將繼續保持他們的人才健康及有產值。 "When our players started to play in the NBA and in top leagues in Europe, they brought back a lot of knowledge on how their teams were operating. Our coaches also went to Spain to study the situation and returned home to implement the changes," Grippo reminisced the moment things turned around for Argentina. "當我們的球員開始進入NBA及歐洲頂級聯賽時,他們帶回了很多關於他們球隊運作的知識 。我們的教練也前往西班牙研究這些情況,並將這些變化帶回家鄉實行,"Grippo回憶起 當時那些改變阿根廷的事。 Coach Hernandez agrees, "In the last 20 years, the world of sports has changed because if you remember, players used to retire at 28 but now you have Nadal (33) and Federer (38) in tennis playing like young guys because they are more professional and select their own diet. The floors are better, the shoes are better and they know how much they need to sleep. They control everything." Hernandez也同意,"在過去20年間,如果你記得的話世界體壇改變了很多,選手以往都在 28歲退休,而現在你有Nadal(33歲)和Federer(38歲)在網球場上仍像年輕人一樣比賽,因 為他們更加職業化並慎選他們的飲食。地板的材質更好,鞋子也很好,且他們知道他們需 要多少的睡眠。他們掌握的一切原因。" "Of course Manu Ginobili, Luis Scola and Nosioni showed the rest of the young guys the workings of the professional life. Now [Facundo] Campazzo, [Patricio] Garino and now the new generation have the same habits. This is great." "當然Manu Ginobili、Luis Scola和Nosioni向其他年輕球員展顯了職業的生活如何運作。 現在(Facundo) Campazzo、(Patricio) Garino和其他現在新世代的球員也有同樣的習慣。 這樣很棒。 "Sometimes the players need the coach and medical staff to tell them all the time, to give them the plan but what Manu and Scola did is to show that you do not need the coaching staff and the medical department to tell you. They started it by themselves and now everyone is doing the same thing." "有時這些球員需要教練或醫療團隊不停告訴他們,給他們計畫,但Manu和Scola所做的已 經向他們展現你不需要教練團或醫療部門告訴你。他們開始自己執行,然後現在每個人都 在做同樣的事。" "THIS PROGRAM CAN HELP ALL THE PLAYERS. IT DEPENDS ON BOTH THEIR COMMITMENT AND CONSISTENCY. FOR ME, MY LONG CAREER IS INCLUSIVE OF LUCK BECAUSE IN MY CAREER, I HAD VERY FEW INJURIES." - Scola "這個計畫可以幫助所有的選手。取決於他們的承諾和一致性。對我來說,我的長期職業 生涯是很幸運的,因為在我的職涯裡,我很少遇到傷痛。"─Scola。 Grippo revealed that it took a lot of hard work and determination for Campazzo to change his body into what it is right now. "The transformation was amazing," he said. Grippo透露要讓Campazzo改變他的身體成為現在的狀態需要很多的努力和決心。"改變非 常驚人,"他說。 "I think the current young generation will play for a long time to come because the system supports this plan and they have embraced it very well. They are committed to it and seeing as it has worked for Scola and Ginobili, they have role models already." "我認為年輕世代將會留在場上很長一段時間,因為系統支持著這項計畫且他們也很好的 接受了。他們致力於實現這個目標,因為他們在Scola和Ginobili身上看到很好的成效, 他們已經有榜樣可以學習。" Scola has some advice for his younger teammates, "This program can help all the players. It depends on both their commitment and consistency. For me, my long career is inclusive of luck because in my career, I had very few injuries. I think it is a sum of several factors." Scola對他的年輕隊友有些建議,"這個計畫可以幫助所有選手。取決於取決於他們的承諾 和一致性。對我來說,我的長期職業生涯是很幸運的,因為在我的職涯裡,我很少遇到傷 痛。我認為是許多原因的總和。" Research conducted by sports scientists in recent years indicates that a well-planned diet for an athlete reduces injuries. For Argentina, they have the proof and will continue on this page and set an example for the rest. 近年運動科學家的研究指出,運動員良好的飲食可以減少受傷。對阿根廷來說,他們已經 證實了,並將繼續在這一頁上為其他人樹立榜樣。 FIBA https://tinyurl.com/yxbnn7mf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1568547843.A.D7D.html
asdfgh0920: 阿根廷醫療團隊厲害 老將們也把自律的精神傳承下去 09/15 23:17
ROCArmy623: 飲食自律和充足的休息真的很重要~ 09/16 00:20