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Australia announced as host of the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 澳大利亞將成為2022FIBA女子世界盃主辦國 26/03/2020 PRESS RELEASE 2 MIN TO READ MIES (Switzerland) - FIBA has awarded the hosting rights for the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 to Basketball Australia. FIBA宣布2022FIBA女子世界盃主辦權將由澳大利亞取得。 Basketball Australia and the Russian Basketball Federation were the two finalists bidding to host FIBA's women’s flagship event two years from now. 澳大利亞籃協與俄羅斯籃協是這項兩年後的FIBA女子旗艦賽事的最終競爭者 The decision was taken by FIBA's Central Board today, which took place via video conference, having both candidates submit their bids and then each give presentations to the Central Board. 此項決定是在今日透過視訊完成的FIBA委員會決定,兩個候選者皆向委員會提出報告。 This will be the second time that Basketball Australia will host FIBA's Women's Basketball World Cup, having done so in 1994. 這將是澳大利亞籃協第二次主辦女子世界盃,上一次是在1994年。 Hamane Niang, President of FIBA, said: "The Central Board saw two excellent presentations today from two basketball strong National Federations. I would like to congratulate them on their outstanding work and the effort and commitment which has gone into their bids. There can only be one host country for this event, and for 2022 it will be Australia. FIBA主席Hamane Niang談到:"委員會看過來自兩方強力的籃球委員會優秀的簡報。必須 祝賀他們出色的工作成果以及他們付出的努力和承諾。而最終獲得主辦權的只能有一個 國家,2022年將由澳大利亞主辦。" "We look forward to the biggest women's event in basketball taking place in Sydney, and also the 12-month qualification period that will take place to be among the 12 teams playing in Australia." "我們期待能看到最大型的女子籃球賽事在雪梨舉行,且將有為期12個月的資格賽程序將 舉行產生最後能在澳大利亞進行比賽的12隊。" Andreas Zagklis, FIBA Secretary General, said: "I would like to congratulate Basketball Australia on their successful bid. Australia really is a powerhouse in basketball, with the women coming in second at the previous FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup in 2018. FIBA秘書長Andreas Zagklis說到:"非常恭喜澳大利亞籃協成功取得主辦權。澳大利亞 的確是籃球的強權,在上屆2018年的FIBA女子世界盃中取得第二名。" "This is a tremendous opportunity for the city of Sydney to both promote and take women's basketball to the next level. We witnessed many successes at the last World Cup, and I am sure that in 2022 we will see even more. We are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation over the next two years in planning for this pinnacle event." "這對主辦城市雪梨來說是很重大的機會對於推行及提升女子籃球到下一個境界。我們在 上屆的世界盃看到了很多的成功,我確定在2022能到更多。我們期待在接下來兩年中為 這次高峰會進行很有成效的合作。” The iconic Australian city of Sydney will host the event over 10 days in September and October 2022. The tournament will be played across two venues, both of which are located in Sydney Olympic Park. The sport-loving nation of Australia will get to witness firsthand 144 of the best players in the world, from 12 international teams in 38 games. 澳大利亞的指標城市雪梨將在2022年九月和十月舉行這項超過10天的賽事。比賽將在兩個 場館舉行,都位於雪梨奧林匹克公園。這個愛好運動的國家澳大利亞將第一手見證來自12 個國家隊中的144位世界上最好的球員帶來的38場比賽。 https://tinyurl.com/tltlsvv http://www.fiba.basketball/news/australia-announced-as-host-of-the-fiba-womens-basketball-world-cup-2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Mke5qokBi/ Australia will host the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 FIBA @instagram -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1585227626.A.064.html jathymin:轉錄至看板 WSBL 03/27 16:55
selamour: 俄羅斯不是之前因為作弊被判罰不能承辦比賽嗎? 04/13 22:15