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Host announcement of FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 highlights first FIBA Central Board meeting of 2020 2022FIBA女子世界盃主辦國的宣布成為2020首次FIBA中央委員會亮點 27/03/2020 PRESS RELEASE 3 MIN TO READ MIES (Switzerland) - FIBA's Central Board met over the past two days, March 26 and 27. The meeting was scheduled to take place at FIBA Headquarters, the Patrick Baumann House of Basketball, however, due to the current situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic the meeting took place via video conference. FIBA中央委員會在過去兩天(3/26.27)進行會議。會議原訂在FIBA總部Patrick Baumann 籃球之家進行,然而由於當前冠狀病毒(COVID-19)大流行的狀況,會議透過視訊方式進行。 With the recent passing of FIBA Secretary General Emeritus Borislav Stankovic, the meeting commenced with a minute of silence. 由於近日FIBA榮譽秘書長Borislav Stankovic的逝世,會中進行了一分鐘的默哀。 The following key topics were discussed during the meeting: 以下是會中討論的幾點重要事項: Basketball Australia to host the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 FIBA has awarded the hosting rights for the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup 2022 to Basketball Australia. Basketball Australia and the Russian Basketball Federation were the two finalists bidding to host FIBA's women's flagship event two years from now. 澳大利亞籃球委員會獲得2020FIBA女子世界盃主辦權。澳大利亞籃球委員會及俄羅斯籃球 委員會是這項兩年後的FIBA女子旗艦級賽事的最後兩位競標者。 Covid-19 Pandemic Covid-19的大流行 The Central Board welcomed the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee's joint decision to postpone the Tokyo 2020 Olympics to next year. FIBA will continue their discussions with the IOC in order to find the best solution for the scheduling of the Olympic Games and the remaining six Olympic Qualifying Tournaments (two for 3x3 basketball and four for men's basketball), confirming at the same time that the teams already qualified to the Olympics will retain their spot. 中央委員會歡迎國際奧委會(IOC)及2020東京奧運組織委員會參與討論2020東京奧運延 期至明年的相關事項。FIBA將繼續與IOC協商並找出奧運會及剩餘的六項奧運資格賽( 兩項3x3籃球及四項男子籃球)的最佳日程,同時並保證已取得奧運會內賽資格的隊伍的 席次。 Following the decision to suspend all FIBA competitions taken already on March 12, which was confirmed during the meeting, and after receiving a report by the Chair of FIBA's Medical Commission Dr Peter Harcourt, the Central Board decided on the following: 關於3/12宣布無限期延賽所有FIBA賽事的決定,在收到FIBA醫務委員會主席Peter Harcourt 博士的報告後,中央委員會決定以下各項: ‧To continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation on a daily basis and evaluate the options for the lifting of the suspension of competitions when the situation allows for it. ‧繼續每天監察Covid-19的情況,並在情況允許的情況下評估取消比賽暫停的可能性。 ‧To continue the consultation that started on 25 March with hosts of FIBA events at world and senior continental level in 2020 and 2021 so as to assess if changes need to be made to the approved FIBA Calendar, and to convoke a meeting of the Competitions Commission (National Team Competitions Sub-committee) in that regard. The FIBA Executive Committee will take appropriate decisions after the dates of the Tokyo Olympic Games are announced. ‧繼續對從3月25日開始與2020年和2021年在世界及各大洲成人級預定舉辦的FIBA賽事進行 磋商,以評估是否需要對已核定的FIBA行事曆進行更改,並召集競賽委員會會議(國家隊 賽事委員會)。在宣布東京奧運會的日期之後,FIBA執行委員會將做出適當的決定。 ‧To invite the FIBA Zone Boards to take the necessary decisions regarding the impact of Covid-19 on youth continental events, club continental competitions managed by the Regional Offices, sub-Zone events, as well as allocation of hosts for 2021 onwards. ‧邀請FIBA各區委員會就Covid-19對各大洲青年級賽事、各區域主辦的大洲俱樂部賽事造 成及次分區賽事的影響,以及2021年以後的已取得的主辦權分配做出必要的相關決定。 The Central Board also received an update on the current status of FIBA’s International Club Competitions. 中央委員會還收到了FIBA國際俱樂部比賽的最新狀態。 FIBA Women's Olympic Qualifying Tournaments and Continental Cup 2021 Qualifiers Review FIBA女子奧運資格賽及2021各大洲盃賽資格賽回顧 The Central Board received a detailed presentation on both the FIBA Women's Olympic Qualifying Tournaments and the first window of the Continental Cups 2021 Qualifiers, which took place at the end of February in the regions of Africa, Americas and Asia/Oceania. 中央委員會收到了有關FIBA女子奧運會資格賽及2月底在非洲、美洲和亞洲/大洋洲地區 舉行的各大洲盃賽資格賽的詳細介紹。 3x3 Basketball 3x3籃球 The Central Board decided in regards to 3x3: 中央委員會對於3x3籃球的決定: ‧The change of the FIBA 3x3 World Cup Qualifying Format. The Zone Cup (Continental Cup) winners now qualify directly to the FIBA 3x3 World Cup. Besides, the other qualified teams, except the hosts and reigning champions, are simply the highest-ranked in the FIBA 3x3 Federation Ranking in the respective gender category with a limit of 10 countries per Zone. ‧FIBA 3x3世界盃資格組成的更改。區域盃(各大洲盃)冠軍現在可以直接參加FIBA 3x3 世界盃。 ‧The allocation to the main draw or the qualifiers of the Zone Cups to be based on the FIBA 3x3 Federation Ranking of the relevant gender category. ‧對區域盃的籤表或資格賽的分配將根據相對應性別的FIBA 3x3國家協會排名。 ‧The FIBA 3x3 Federation Ranking to be as of now calculated by adding up the FIBA 3x3 Individual World Ranking points of the Top 50 nationals with a confirmed play.fiba3x3.com account. ‧FIBA 3x3國家協會排名是透過截至目前經 play.fiba3x3.com 帳戶確認為該國球員的前 50名FIBA 3x3個人世界排名積分相加得出的。 Official Basketball Rules (OBR) and Internal Regulations Amendments 官方籃球規則(OBR)和內部規則修正案 The Central Board gave the green light for a range of changes to be made to the Official Basketball Rules, effective as of October 1, 2020. Click here to find out more. They also approved amendments to the FIBA Internal Regulations, including a new FIBA Code of Conduct. Professor Richard McLaren, former President of the Basketball Arbitral Tribunal (2011-2019), has been appointed as FIBA's Integrity Officer. 中央委員會為自2020年10月1日起生效的《官方籃球規則》做出的一系列修改開了綠燈。 請點擊這裡 https://tinyurl.com/yx4htxpz (pdf)了解更多。他們還批准了對FIBA內部 規則的修訂,包括新的FIBA行為準則。前籃球仲裁庭庭長(2011-2019)Richard McLaren 教授被任命為FIBA廉政官員。 Appointments 人員任用 The Central Board also co-opted two new members to join them, Richard Carrion and Andrei Kirilenko. 中央委員會也增補了兩名新成員Richard Carrion和Andrei Kirilenko加入。 National Federations 國家協會 Mexico's suspension is still maintained as the National Federation has not complied with the requirements set by the last Executive Committee meeting. 由於國家協會未遵守上屆執行委員會會議設定的要求,因此墨西哥仍保持停權狀態。 In other matters, the Central Board approved the audited consolidated financial statements for 2019 and received a status update on the preparation of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023. 在其他事項上,中央委員會批准了2019年經審計的合併財務報表,並收到了關於2023年 FIBA世界盃準備事項的的最新消息。 FIBA https://tinyurl.com/uyrtem3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/worldbasket/M.1585986156.A.905.html