精華區beta EXID 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我將英文新聞翻譯成中文,以意譯為主。 Solji says junior artists used to ignore her greetings when she wasn't popular 率智提及無名時期,後輩曾經無視她的問候 EXID's Solji opened up about her period of anonymity during her appearance on the July 19 installment of tvN's 'Taxi.' 在7/19的TvN 現場脫口秀《Taxi》EXID成員率智透露她的無名時期。 She was asked about the difficult period of being an unknown artist before EXID blew up a few years ago. She replied, "There was a time in the past when I was a part of 2NB and I went to karaoke with representatives to show them my singing skills. I could press the karaoke [song] numbers for the reps when they're singing, can't I? I asked, 'Should I press this for you?' but I was rebuked with, 'Are you a karaoke assistant?' At the time, I left the karaoke room and cried. I was sad." 她被問到在EXID爆紅的前幾年,作為無名歌手的困難時期,她回答:「在我還在2NB時, 我曾經跟代表們一起去練歌房向他們展示我的歌唱實力。在他們唱歌時,我不是可以 幫忙按數字嗎? 所以我問:『需要我幫忙選歌嗎?』,但我被斥責說:『你是練歌房的 助理嗎?』,當時我立刻離開練歌房,傷心地大哭一場。」 On top of that, she revealed, "Even when we greeted [popular juniors] first, they wouldn't receive [our greetings]," saying basically that they were ignored because they weren't as popular, even though they're senior artists and should have been the ones receiving the greetings first. She suggested that the greetings are based more on popularity than actual seniority. 此外,她說:「就算我們先向(有人氣的後輩)先打招呼,他們也不接受(我們的問候)」, 通常是前輩先接受後輩問候,說明她們是沒有名氣所以被無視。暗示著問候是看你是否 有名而非出道時間。 Solji concluded that their names would not even be on the waiting room door because they were nobodies. 率智最後提到因為沒有名氣,所以即使在等候室門上也沒有列出她們的名字。 Well now those junior artists better greet you first! 新聞來源:allkpop http://goo.gl/jDmhyn -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EXID/M.1468979495.A.26F.html
cuteker: Q.Q 07/20 10:15
bbbb5438: ( TДT) 07/20 10:27
sheng0812: ( TДT) 07/20 10:29
starjun: T T 07/20 10:35
a1933464522: QQ 07/20 10:53
PETRO: QQ 07/20 11:10
a84817f: QQ 07/20 11:11
Jessie222: QQ 07/20 12:07
wl02099278: QQ 07/20 12:34
kiki85123456: QAQ 07/20 13:11
lifeupdown: 現在是我們反優率呀~ 07/20 13:19
hight321: 幫QQ 辛苦的經歷造就了現在的歌聲 07/20 15:03
shivaeye: 繳了很多學費,才知道知名度的重要,蠻多產業都這樣... 07/20 15:12
onehopu111: 立刻跑出去哭。。。可以想像到那個畫面。 07/20 16:34
turing: 有別的新聞是說率智是被誤認為KTV店的員工,被要求去按歌 07/20 17:40
turing: 曲的編號。所以他才哭的。 07/20 17:40
yanpi: 這個好像比較合理欸? 07/20 18:32
hsupohsiang: https://youtu.be/pLpNbwd8Xc4 07/20 19:12
hsupohsiang: 另一篇新聞及該報導附上的節目片段. 07/20 19:13
hsupohsiang: http://goo.gl/kwZcoe 07/20 19:14
hsupohsiang: 跟本篇意思類似算是代表吐槽(當時沒有很紅的)率智 07/20 19:16
hsupohsiang: 唉.對有影響力的先進盡職場上的禮貌卻被吐槽 07/20 19:18
rachelspark: 哭... 07/20 20:47
arx3721: 人情冷暖 QQ 07/20 22:22
game8244: 推推QQ 07/20 22:28
biobirst: 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚無 07/20 22:38
dormice: 社會現實阿QQ沒辦法 07/21 01:20
SDKSDKSDK: 代表說的好,你不是助理 07/21 11:06
a3221715: 許媽QQ 07/21 14:11
sword78: 斥責應該是認為那事不是三歲應該做的吧... 07/21 14:40
candy1008: QAQ 07/21 16:46
wei5588: 看了好心疼,但這就是現實啊 07/21 17:22
wulinuelf: QQ 07/24 01:51