精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上下文部份如下 BRASS: Well, they took these pictures before they moved him. (BRASS hands GRISSOM a stack of photos. GRISSOM puts his kit down and looks through the photos.) GRISSOM: Well, this is as phony as a chappaquiddick neck brace. See how the clothes are all bunched. 我翻的:這打領結的手法真是拙劣???? 看這些衣服都皺成一團了 SARA: Collar's off to the side, leg fabric's gathered. 衣領歪了一邊 腿部的布料則都捲在一起 GRISSOM: It's impossible to redress an unconscious person to make it look like they dressed themselves. You notice anything about the suit coat? (GRISSOM shows the photo to BRASS. BRASS takes it and looks at it.) 要幫不省人事的人穿衣服而又要弄得好像是他們自己穿好的一樣 是不可能的,在這西裝外套上你有發現什麼嗎? BRASS: Well, unless he's going to court or to church, there's no way he buttons all three buttons. 除非是上法庭或去教堂 不然是不可能把三顆鈕扣都扣起來的 (BRASS gives the photo back to GRISSOM.) GRISSOM: Very good, Jim. (to SARA) Why do they think they can fool us? 他們憑什麼以為這樣可以騙得過我們? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: dy1015 (NEBULA) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: 請問一下neck brace? 時間: Wed Jun 9 15:29:50 2004 我猜跟這個歷史事件有關: http://www.ytedk.com/intro.htm 簡單來講是Ted Kennedy疑似為了隱瞞他的affair而故意去引起這個事故, 並且在事發之後離開了現場,從此之後名聲一落千丈。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Voldemort:呵呵 Google妙用無窮阿~ 06/09