◇ [本區查詢方法:請按/後再輸入你要查詢的字詞]
◇ ----------------數 字 & 符 號--------------
◇ @
◇ '
◇ 'tis
◇ 圈圈內的c
◇ 401(K)
◇ --------------------- A/a --------------------
◇ AE
◇ A.K.A.
◇ APO/FPO Addresses
◇ abnoxious
◇ Academia Sinica
◇ Aestheticism
◇ Ambretta
◇ Amish
◇ Arbitrariness
◇ a 6 degrees of sb
◇ a bat of the eye
◇ a bloody nose
◇ a car pool
◇ a couple of days
◇ a cup of joe
◇ a drop in the bucket/ocean
◇ a hip socket
◇ a little bit
◇ a padded mailing envelope
◇ a poor man's Einstein
◇ a storm in a teapot
◇ a ready smile
◇ abecedarian
◇ absobloodylutely
◇ accept no substitutes
◇ acid stare
◇ acquaintance
◇ ad-hoc
◇ ad hoc, contingent
◇ ad hoc manner
◇ affiliation
◇ after the Fall
◇ afrodisiac
◇ age of minis
◇ agriterrorism
◇ ain't
◇ aircraft thrust
◇ albeit
◇ all purpose flour
◇ all that jazz
◇ all the more
◇ all things considered
◇ alkali index
◇ alligator
◇ alphabet soup
◇ alphabet soup
◇ alpha cow
◇ also-ran
◇ a.m.和p.m.
◇ amaterintermerata
◇ amber alert
◇ ambiance
◇ among others
◇ and the like
◇ animal crackers
◇ ansatz
◇ anti-dis-establishment-raianism
◇ apron
◇ arch-rival
◇ as good as it gets
◇ as luck would have it
◇ as a rule of thumb
◇ as a result
◇ as cool as a cucumber
◇ as thick as thieves
◇ as-is
◇ asap
◇ ask too much of somebody
◇ asl
◇ assembly line
◇ Assets = Liabilities + Owners' Equity
◇ at long last
◇ at stake
◇ at the drop of a hat
◇ Audi's slogan: Vorsprung durch Technik
◇ ave verum corpus
◇ average Joe, froufrou
◇ awesome
◇ Are you stressed out?
◇ --------------------- B/b --------------------
◇ BA
◇ BS
◇ Bhopal
◇ baby in car
◇ backhaul
◇ backfire
◇ back on track
◇ back numbers
◇ back then
◇ bacon-licious
◇ bad blood
◇ balise
◇ ball
◇ ballistic
◇ banana skins
◇ bandanna
◇ bandwagon
◇ banner year
◇ bar none
◇ basura buddy
◇ bday
◇ be enrolled at
◇ be(get) caught up on
◇ be home to
◇ Be my guest.
◇ Be that as it may.
◇ beat a path
◇ beat down on
◇ beating xxx at its own game
◇ beeline
◇ beeyotch
◇ best bet
◇ behind a NAT
◇ behind the wheel
◇ bessie
◇ bien-pensant
◇ big draw
◇ big-game hunter
◇ big picture
◇ billing address, shipping address
◇ bitching
◇ Biwako
◇ blackberries
◇ blackboard privileges
◇ blast night
◇ bleacher creature
◇ blog
◇ blog, blogger
◇ blood drive
◇ blood jelly
◇ blood-sucker
◇ blow away
◇ Bludging
◇ Bob's your uncle
◇ boo
◇ bootie call
◇ booty call
◇ bootstrap
◇ bootylicious
◇ bop bag
◇ bona fide
◇ bond
◇ bone dry
◇ botched abortion
◇ Box of 5
◇ boycott
◇ bragging rights
◇ braided river
◇ brain dump
◇ brass-knuckled
◇ brats
◇ break a leg
◇ breakaway
◇ breakbulk
◇ break down
◇ bring down the house
◇ buckle up
◇ budget-luxury
◇ bull's eye
◇ bungee
◇ burgun
◇ burn bridge
◇ bushwalking
◇ butterflies-in-your-stomach
◇ button me up
◇ buzzword
◇ by and large
◇ by any chance
◇ by far and away
◇ by jove, Great Scott
◇ blood supply
◇ breaking news
◇ breathtaking
◇ Byzantine, Spartan
◇ --------------------- C/c --------------------
◇ ca
◇ C.S.A.
◇ C.V.
◇ cabin fever
◇ Caesarian section
◇ Cajun
◇ cake liner
◇ call to arms
◇ camel toe
◇ carrots and sticks
◇ career path
◇ carport
◇ cash card
◇ cash cow
◇ cash prize
◇ cash a check
◇ cast
◇ cast a spell
◇ catwalk
◇ catwalk
◇ cave into the bully
◇ celibatarian
◇ certified mail
◇ c'est la vie
◇ chaebol
◇ challenge
◇ champion
◇ character
◇ Charitable Trusts
◇ charter school
◇ chasing the dragon
◇ chauvinistic prick
◇ check it out
◇ cheese head
◇ cheesy
◇ chef knife
◇ Chicks dig the long ball.
◇ chick-lit reader
◇ chicken run
◇ china blue
◇ Chocolate Fudge
◇ christchurch
◇ chunk
◇ civil service
◇ circuit news
◇ cladogenetic
◇ class notice
◇ cloak-and-dagger
◇ clock starts ticking
◇ cloud 9(表情符號)
◇ cocktail dressing
◇ code of conduct
◇ cogwheel
◇ cold day in hell
◇ Coldplay
◇ Comorbid
◇ come into question
◇ come to the rescue
◇ come what may
◇ commish
◇ common practice
◇ complete guide
◇ complication
◇ computex
◇ conditioner, moisture
◇ confirmation
◇ connections
◇ Consider it done!
◇ consumer panel
◇ consumption expenditure
◇ convention center
◇ conjure up
◇ contai cool whip
◇ conduct
◇ confusticated
◇ contact number
◇ counterblast
◇ concentration course
◇ Consider it done.
◇ construction paper
◇ content
◇ cooked-up
◇ copy that
◇ copy to 人
◇ core attributes
◇ corporate downsizing
◇ corporate drone
◇ corporatism
◇ cost down
◇ cost-effective
◇ count that as a plus
◇ counterintuitive
◇ course withdraw data
◇ covary
◇ cover letter
◇ crabtree
◇ crack up
◇ crapweasel
◇ crash
◇ credit
◇ credit-card delinquency rate
◇ cricket bat
◇ criminal justice
◇ critical thinking
◇ cross one's path
◇ crown prince
◇ Crush Syndrome
◇ cry your heart out
◇ cry your eyes out
◇ crystal clear
◇ CT Scan
◇ cuckoo
◇ cull
◇ culturally correct
◇ cum, sperm
◇ cum laude
◇ curb
◇ Curly-Wurly
◇ current amount due
◇ curriculum vitae
◇ custer-like
◇ cut sb. some slack
◇ cutting edge
◇ --------------------- D/d --------------------
◇ D.C.
◇ D day
◇ DM
◇ Dance Your Life Away
◇ de facto
◇ de-suggest-opedia
◇ dead language
◇ dear diary moment
◇ dear John letter
◇ deBaathification
◇ debit card
◇ decent
◇ decorrelation
◇ deep shade
◇ deep throat
◇ deer in the headlights
◇ deja date
◇ dejavu
◇ deliberative democracy
◇ dementia-free
◇ demi-monde, dandy
◇ demutualized
◇ department of defense
◇ diasporas
◇ dictating machine
◇ digizine
◇ dinner mints
◇ dirty laundry
◇ dirty words
◇ dis you
◇ discount price
◇ Disorientation
◇ display
◇ do sb a world of good
◇ dog the bounty hunter
◇ Don't give yourself airs!
◇ Don't pass the buck.
◇ Don't get me wrong.
◇ don't think for a second
◇ domelike
◇ dot communism
◇ dot-coms
◇ dough
◇ downboy
◇ drastic
◇ draw out
◇ drive me nuts
◇ drop shipment
◇ drop a line
◇ drop dead
◇ drum your fingers
◇ duh
◇ dummy-code
◇ dusk-to-dawn
◇ door knob asst
◇ double shift
◇ dystopia/dystopic
◇ --------------------- E/e --------------------
◇ e.g.
◇ Elmer Gantry
◇ Esperanto
◇ Emission Reduction Credits(ERCs)
◇ eat your heart out
◇ ecstasy
◇ eeny weeny
◇ ejaculate
◇ electric eye
◇ elevator music
◇ eleventy
◇ emerging markets
◇ emotinal tags
◇ en vogue
◇ endgame
◇ engineered consent
◇ ensuite
◇ enterovioform
◇ equine
◇ Erasmus
◇ err on the side of caution
◇ escalate
◇ etc
◇ ever-strengthening
◇ every other day
◇ evidence Wednesday
◇ ex-pat
◇ exclusive distribution
◇ experience
◇ exterior entrance
◇ exterminism
◇ external orientation
◇ eye candy
◇ eyes-only
◇ --------------------- F/f --------------------
◇ Fair Oaks
◇ fab
◇ fall from grace
◇ father time
◇ femme fatale
◇ financial house
◇ filing the wire
◇ fill someone's shoes
◇ finger-in-the-dike
◇ filthy rich
◇ fire in the hole
◇ first-rate
◇ fishbowl life
◇ feature
◇ featured articles
◇ feisty
◇ final leg
◇ financier
◇ fine arts
◇ fishy
◇ five o
◇ fix a game
◇ flag
◇ flagrant
◇ flat fare
◇ flat panel TV
◇ fling
◇ flip-flopping
◇ flipside
◇ floor guide
◇ fly-on-the-wall
◇ flying jolly roger
◇ follow-up
◇ food for thought
◇ fortiori
◇ for immediate release
◇ four for one free
◇ four-letter word
◇ four-unit building
◇ franchise
◇ freedom is not free
◇ freelancer
◇ freestyle
◇ freshman 15
◇ frienemy
◇ from around
◇ front load
◇ ft.
◇ full scale
◇ funkadelic
◇ funny bone
◇ funny farm
◇ flamingo
◇ flyer
◇ fuzzy
◇ --------------------- G/g --------------------
◇ Gabriel(加百列)
◇ GI Joe
◇ Gothika
◇ Gung Ho
◇ G-man
◇ gan
◇ gasp
◇ gay
◇ get a grip
◇ get it off your chest
◇ get laid
◇ get pranked
◇ get the hang of ...
◇ get to
◇ get under someone's skin
◇ get your ass in gear
◇ gemlike
◇ generic cialis
◇ genset
◇ geoglyph
◇ geolocation
◇ glass blowing workshop
◇ glass ceiling
◇ globalisation
◇ gluts and droughts
◇ GM
◇ go Dutch
◇ goal tending
◇ goddess, swan
◇ going rate
◇ gone are the days
◇ goo and gore
◇ good on you
◇ Good job!
◇ Gordian Knot
◇ gorgeous
◇ gotcha
◇ grab a bite
◇ grab a bite to eat
◇ grab a spoon
◇ grand
◇ grande
◇ Great Lawn
◇ Greek week
◇ Green Thumb
◇ grouchy
◇ ground zero
◇ gummy
◇ guoa erat demonstramdum
◇ Goth
◇ --------------------- H/h --------------------
◇ hanging chad, golden mask
◇ hat trick
◇ haven
◇ have a cow
◇ have butterflies in one's stomach
◇ handover
◇ hand-wringing
◇ hard core
◇ head-spinning
◇ He crushed down on a protesting chair.
◇ He's got such a big ego.
◇ head-over-heels
◇ healthology
◇ Hi, there.
◇ highlight
◇ highwater mark
◇ hilarious
◇ hit something out of the park
◇ hit the road
◇ hitch
◇ hitch hike
◇ ho
◇ hook up
◇ hollaback
◇ holy crap
◇ homologation
◇ hook
◇ hook up
◇ hospitality industry
◇ home free
◇ home slice
◇ home-wrecker
◇ Homecoming Queen
◇ homeschooling
◇ homewrecker
◇ Host Community
◇ hotrod
◇ hour-exam
◇ How could it be?
◇ Hydriotaphia
◇ hyperkalemia
◇ --------------------- I/i --------------------
◇ IA
◇ ick
◇ icy heart
◇ imo
◇ Inc.
◇ iPOD
◇ IS
◇ IT
◇ If all goes according to plan
◇ If the person isn't taken, there's a reason.
◇ Intranet
◇ in a nutshell
◇ in a strong if not an exterme form
◇ in care of
◇ in excelsis deo
◇ in good company
◇ in her shoes
◇ in house
◇ in observation of
◇ in one's senses
◇ in the house
◇ in the run-up to, in the wake of
◇ in the sense that
◇ in vivo & in vitro
◇ incisor
◇ incorporated into
◇ Incy Wincy Spider
◇ indication
◇ information-starved
◇ ing nue
◇ innatist
◇ insight
◇ interlibrary service,back issue,bound volume
◇ I can tell.
◇ I can't agree with you anymore.
◇ I had my fingers crossed.
◇ I'll bet you everything.
◇ I'll get back to you.
◇ I'm beat.
◇ I'm in the penalty box
◇ I'm no good no more.
◇ italicized
◇ it ain't
◇ it's not too much to say ...
◇ It's all gone Pete Tong.
◇ It's all about the Benjamins.
◇ it serves sb right (for doing sth)
◇ It was tempting to say ...
◇ --------------------- J/j --------------------
◇ Jack-in-the-box
◇ jailbreak marriage
◇ jangly jewelry
◇ jerk it out
◇ juggle many responsibilities
◇ juice paks
◇ Junior University
◇ just a click away
◇ Just leave me alone.
◇ Just try and stop me!
◇ --------------------- K/k --------------------
◇ K.I.T.
◇ KMT / DPP / PFP / TSU / NP
◇ Kailua
◇ kangaroo court
◇ kataphoresis
◇ keep a weather eye
◇ keep a weather eye
◇ Keep Congress out of My Uterus
◇ keep one's feet on the ground
◇ keep you posted
◇ kick ass
◇ kick sb's ass
◇ kick off
◇ kicking butt
◇ kicking the cat syndrome
◇ kidult
◇ kill the clock
◇ killing spree
◇ kitsch
◇ kittyhawk
◇ kleptocracy
◇ kosher
◇ knit
◇ knocking school
◇ knocked down
◇ know-how
◇ know true from false
◇ Kraut
◇ kryptonite
◇ krispy
◇ --------------------- L/l --------------------
◇ Ltd
◇ Less is more
◇ Let's hook up tonight!
◇ Live it real.
◇ la-la land
◇ lambast
◇ lame
◇ Lance
◇ landflow
◇ laptop
◇ laureate
◇ law enforcement agent
◇ lead time
◇ leapfrog
◇ leaver's jersey
◇ leeway is a must
◇ less-than-winning personality
◇ let it be
◇ Leverage
◇ leaving money on the table
◇ liberal arts
◇ lick somebody's ass
◇ lieutenant
◇ lightning bug
◇ like no others
◇ limited partnership
◇ lingua franca
◇ lion's share
◇ listen up
◇ little-mentioned
◇ lmfao
◇ loaner
◇ location scout
◇ lol
◇ long list, short list
◇ long time no see
◇ lousy
◇ love apple
◇ low-entropy
◇ lucky you
◇ lynch law
◇ --------------------- M/m --------------------
◇ M&A
◇ MP3
◇ mailing list
◇ major
◇ make a list
◇ make it
◇ make it pax
◇ male fixation
◇ managing director
◇ manga
◇ mano a mano
◇ Many is the day.
◇ mastermind
◇ Marlex Mesh,financial community
◇ market equilibrium
◇ Market to Market
◇ mastered long division
◇ materialising
◇ Mature Recollection
◇ Maurras
◇ mayday
◇ measure for measure
◇ meshuggenah
◇ metacognition
◇ metal Dog Hooks
◇ metrosexual
◇ micro
◇ micro-entrepreneur
◇ middle school
◇ Military Supplies Reserve Bureau
◇ mime
◇ mimicking
◇ mindset
◇ minority lending
◇ misdemeanor
◇ mojo
◇ Moldova
◇ mom-and-pop, state-of-the-art
◇ monkey wrench
◇ more good than harm
◇ morph into
◇ mother tongue
◇ Moulin Rouge
◇ mouthwatering
◇ much less
◇ mumble jumble
◇ multitalented
◇ myocardial infarction
◇ mysteriousness
◇ military time
◇ military establishments
◇ mat or roll
◇ make sense
◇ --------------------- N/n --------------------
◇ N/A
◇ Never say never.
◇ No better, no worse.
◇ Not really.
◇ naturopathic
◇ Neanderthal
◇ Not a fan of the PDA.
◇ No action required.
◇ negative
◇ Now you are talking.
◇ new kids on the block
◇ neck brace
◇ necrophiliac
◇ neutral trial
◇ night fever
◇ name
◇ national narrative
◇ neon strip
◇ no role
◇ netizen
◇ nationalism
◇ Never ever ever.
◇ not a moment too soon
◇ No lemon policy
◇ Norman Mailer
◇ night night
◇ next of kin
◇ niche finding
◇ neato-keeno
◇ name-dropping
◇ National Hymn
◇ nip tuck
◇ non-western medicine
◇ not so much A as B
◇ nail buffer
◇ new-parent leave
◇ nail it
◇ nothing else matter
◇ --------------------- O/o --------------------
◇ o-matic
◇ OA
◇ OS
◇ once in a blue moon
◇ one way or another
◇ on this ground
◇ on a tear
◇ one-off
◇ obsessiveness
◇ odd one out
◇ off-peak fare
◇ off the rack, off the shelf, as opposed to
◇ old lady sing
◇ old school
◇ oliver branch
◇ oil sac
◇ on purpose
◇ on the wrong side of
◇ on steroids
◇ on hiatus
◇ on draft
◇ on the fritz
◇ on the other hand
◇ on-scene
◇ one-way ticket
◇ one-million-dollar question
◇ over-the-counter
◇ one-hit wonder
◇ old-moneyed
◇ on the other side
◇ one night stand
◇ okey-dokey
◇ over-represented
◇ Oh, not again!
◇ one of a kind
◇ on-the-go
◇ Op-Ed
◇ oriad
◇ ostlicher
◇ other than
◇ outlet
◇ outsource
◇ out of town
◇ out of line
◇ out of your business
◇ over-the-counter medications
◇ one-stop shopping
◇ oy vay
◇ --------------------- P/p --------------------
◇ P.E.
◇ PK
◇ P.S.(p.s.)
◇ paid parental leave
◇ paint the town red
◇ pamphlet
◇ pancake bunny
◇ para-social
◇ paradox
◇ parody
◇ participate with
◇ party caucus whip
◇ Paruresis
◇ pass the hat round
◇ pat-a-cake
◇ pay pal
◇ people person
◇ per
◇ pet peeve
◇ Peter out
◇ photogenic
◇ photovoltaic cell
◇ phunk
◇ pick up a nail
◇ pickup line
◇ pick you up
◇ picture perfect day
◇ pimp
◇ pinch a loaf
◇ pinched nerve
◇ piss somebody off
◇ pit
◇ plaintiff-friendly
◇ plassic
◇ play it by ear
◇ play a game of chicken
◇ play the field
◇ player
◇ plurivocity, univocity
◇ podcast
◇ politically correct
◇ pollinate
◇ pollybagged
◇ poly-this, poly-that
◇ pop culture
◇ pop go weasel
◇ popcorn~~
◇ popes in a volkwagen
◇ popular art
◇ popular vote, electral vote
◇ portfolio
◇ post-cold war era
◇ post-secondary
◇ portal
◇ potluck
◇ ppl
◇ predicament
◇ predictable book
◇ premium
◇ prima donna
◇ printed, not-yet-printed
◇ prints people
◇ pro-
◇ pro bono
◇ pro forma
◇ proactive stance
◇ prop, avar
◇ property affiliation
◇ propos
◇ prosthetic makeup
◇ public school
◇ punch out
◇ punk'd
◇ push one's button
◇ put back
◇ put one's name on the line
◇ put one's nose on grinding stone
◇ put someone on the couch
◇ put their feet into their mouths
◇ put their lives on hold
◇ Pvt
◇ page-turning
◇ potpourri
◇ postgame
◇ put yourself in others' shoes
◇ --------------------- Q/q --------------------
◇ Q-tip
◇ Q.E.D.
◇ quasi-feudal
◇ quick tumble
◇ quite a
◇ --------------------- R/r --------------------
◇ rabbit on
◇ raccoon dog
◇ rain check
◇ rank and file
◇ rare
◇ rater training
◇ rattle a headboard
◇ ravel
◇ raw mode
◇ razor-blade
◇ rebound guy
◇ receive a shot in the arm
◇ recruiter, submittal
◇ red neck
◇ red tape
◇ reddish, yellowish
◇ reefer madness
◇ reenactor
◇ regards
◇ regular Joe
◇ Reichstag
◇ remnants
◇ removable media
◇ rennet apples
◇ resident scholar
◇ retour
◇ retranscription
◇ rice-and-bean eater
◇ right-wingers
◇ ring a bell 與 ring the bell
◇ rip on
◇ risk averse
◇ rock solid
◇ Rolls-Royce
◇ routing number
◇ row-and-column
◇ rubber ducky
◇ run amuck
◇ runaway sensation
◇ runner-up
◇ rubber handgrip
◇ runway
◇ --------------------- S/s --------------------
◇ Semper Fideles
◇ SM
◇ Shipment Term
◇ Sieg Heil
◇ Singlish words
◇ S/O,M/R,B/L,D/O
◇ Sp.
◇ SPI-like
◇ Saddam
◇ sarcophagic
◇ scab
◇ scantron
◇ scapegoat
◇ scarcely
◇ school districts
◇ screen name
◇ screening exam
◇ screw up
◇ scuba doobie-doo
◇ seamed dress
◇ seasonal spike
◇ second
◇ security guard
◇ security screener
◇ selected varieties
◇ self-censorship
◇ senescing
◇ set up their stand
◇ set apart
◇ shaker women
◇ shawty
◇ sharp
◇ shemale
◇ shift around
◇ shibby
◇ shippy
◇ shit face cock master
◇ shoot
◇ shoot from downtown
◇ short-people jokes
◇ shorty
◇ signature rallies
◇ silk screen
◇ silver anniversary
◇ sine
◇ skank
◇ skeleton in (one's) closet
◇ skit
◇ skooch
◇ Sky's the limit.
◇ skybox
◇ slack resources
◇ slate magazine
◇ sleep-away
◇ sleep on it
◇ slider bar
◇ slides and viewgraphs
◇ slow jam
◇ slow food
◇ star key
◇ smoothie
◇ snail mail
◇ snake mail
◇ snapshot
◇ snif
◇ snow globe
◇ soaking wet
◇ social security No.
◇ social butterfly
◇ soft power
◇ sol-gel
◇ some tens of seconds
◇ Sony Trans Com
◇ sopor
◇ sound guy
◇ sound mind
◇ space cadet
◇ space odyssey
◇ spaniel
◇ spare time
◇ spec
◇ spinning reserve
◇ spoilers
◇ sponge hands
◇ spousal equivalent
◇ spring a leak
◇ spunge off
◇ stand back
◇ stand sb. up, call a spade a spade
◇ stand someone up
◇ standing room only
◇ stand-up comedy
◇ staff cuts
◇ state execution
◇ state of union
◇ static cling
◇ stationary bike, cross trainer
◇ status quo
◇ stay cool
◇ stay tuned
◇ steal somebody's thunder
◇ step in one's shoe
◇ stick to
◇ strategise
◇ street-wise
◇ strike a chord
◇ stock character
◇ stolen thunder
◇ store credit
◇ straight-down-the-middle
◇ strict sense
◇ stud
◇ study plan
◇ sub-Saharan Africa
◇ submit petition
◇ suck on that
◇ sucker
◇ supper
◇ supervenience
◇ suprsegmental
◇ suspension
◇ sumatriptan
◇ summary
◇ summore
◇ Sunday best
◇ Sunni
◇ sux
◇ Sweet 'n' Lo
◇ sweetpea
◇ swoosh
◇ syntactic marker
◇ stick with
◇ smile down on sb.
◇ swastika
◇ speak for itself
◇ Syriana
◇ --------------------- T/t --------------------
◇ TM
◇ table spread
◇ tabloid
◇ tagliatelle
◇ tagline
◇ tailoring
◇ Taiwanese people
◇ take a back seat to
◇ take a hit
◇ take home message
◇ take it with a grain of salt
◇ take on
◇ take one's time
◇ take sth for granted
◇ talk over
◇ talking point
◇ technically
◇ Teflon coated
◇ telephone reach
◇ Tell me about it.
◇ telly
◇ tendeth
◇ ten-hut
◇ texound
◇ tertium quid
◇ text
◇ textuality
◇ That's a big 10-4!
◇ That's not even in the same zip code as funny.
◇ That will be the day.
◇ the bloom off the rose
◇ the clothing line
◇ the cube-square rule
◇ The king is dead. Lonelife the king.
◇ the least common denominator
◇ the lion's share of
◇ the other day, the day before yesterday
◇ the proof of the pudding is in the eating
◇ The real is but a dream.
◇ The School Outing
◇ the Sci-fi romantic comedy
◇ the terminus a quo, the teminus ad quem
◇ the UN Charter
◇ The U.N. General Assembly
◇ The Wire Services
◇ theatrical make-up
◇ thesaurus
◇ then and only then
◇ third wheel
◇ This lady is a catch.
◇ This is dead on.
◇ Things fall into place.
◇ tick a box
◇ tie the knot
◇ to bite yor tongue
◇ to wet one's (the) appetite
◇ too cool for school
◇ top left
◇ topline
◇ tormentor
◇ tough
◇ traffic rate clerk
◇ trailer
◇ trainers
◇ transaction flows
◇ transcranial
◇ transformation-generative grammer
◇ tree-hugging
◇ tremulation
◇ trial and error
◇ Trinity
◇ troll
◇ troubadour
◇ ttyl
◇ tune up
◇ turf
◇ turn sb on
◇ twenty-four seven
◇ Twinkie
◇ two at-large votes
◇ two-timer
◇ two weeks' notice
◇ --------------------- U/u --------------------
◇ ultimatum
◇ umbilical brothers
◇ umlaut
◇ under the weather
◇ undergraduate
◇ underwrite
◇ unpredictability
◇ up-note
◇ upset
◇ US-based
◇ U.S. Department of Homeland Security
◇ --------------------- V/v --------------------
◇ Vanity Fair Oscar party
◇ varimax
◇ venue
◇ Venus in fur
◇ version of the story
◇ vibe
◇ vice brand
◇ vice versa
◇ Victoria's Secret model
◇ vinyl
◇ virtual
◇ vis-a-vis
◇ --------------------- W/w --------------------
◇ W.C.
◇ Wi-Fi 和 go bananas
◇ wait a moment
◇ walk
◇ walk on a mile in each other's shoes
◇ walk the line
◇ walk to walk
◇ warning track
◇ warrent
◇ wash one's hands
◇ wash sale
◇ water-cooler communication
◇ way to go
◇ webcasting
◇ websuit
◇ weekend warriors
◇ well-made play
◇ well-received
◇ Welsh-born
◇ We will rock you.
◇ whitewashed
◇ What winds you up?
◇ What's the buzz?
◇ wheel out
◇ whipped cream
◇ Whoopsidaisies
◇ wiener
◇ winger
◇ wished away
◇ withdrawn
◇ with a salt-and-pepper beard
◇ Woodstock
◇ word-of-mouth
◇ work in
◇ workforce
◇ wear protection
◇ wuthering
◇ --------------------- X/x --------------------
◇ Xenophobia
◇ --------------------- Y/y --------------------
◇ yellow brick road
◇ Yosemite
◇ You are being difficult!
◇ You are my easter bunny.
◇ You're gone.
◇ You're telling me.
◇ You can't make this stuff up.
◇ You don't say.
◇ You have big balls.
◇ Your Grace
◇ --------------------- Z/z --------------------
◇ zapper
◇ zero-sum game
◇ zone variance
◇ zoning out
◇ zsa zsa zsu
◇ ---------------------未整理區-------------------
◇ Re: [徵求] 一句英文的翻譯
◇ Re: [中翻英]請問這句成語怎麼翻
◇ Re: [求譯] 請問一些片語
◇ [字辨] Tiffany&'Co.'?
◇ [求譯] 口語 Take it bad
◇ [求譯] what say u
◇ [片語]dress down
◇ Re: [片語]dress down
◇ Re: [片語]dress down
◇ 外包
◇ [求譯] 一些問題
◇ Re: [單字] headunit
◇ [單字]visceral
◇ [口語] buddha delight
◇ Re: [單字] phumphering
◇ [單字]satisficing
◇ social rate of return 的中文翻譯??
◇ double cross
◇ [單字]請問subprime是什麼意思??
◇ Re: [單字]請問subprime是什麼意思??
◇ [單字] de-prioritize是什麼意思
◇ [單字] 這個片語怎麼用
◇ [單字] even tempered
◇ [求譯]Problematizing Society
◇ [單字] 棒球中due up的意思
◇ [單字] goober pals ; mom-lit novel
◇ Re: [單字] goober pals ; mom-lit novel
◇ bait-and-switch
◇ [求譯] Mr. Wrong該怎麼翻譯呢?
◇ [求譯] rubber shoes 是指雨鞋那樣的材質嗎?
◇ refinance
◇ StarCraft
◇ tycoon
◇ play the field
◇ cylindric
◇ [求譯] 朋友說這是稱讚...
◇ 言簡意賅
◇ [求譯] I hope the letter finds you well.
◇ old sport
◇ sowre
◇ [請益] AKA
◇ [單字] -ish 是什麼意思
◇ [單字] 壓縮檔的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] "msn帳號"的英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] 工作上被譙該怎麼說
◇ [求譯] "證嚴法師成為台灣人最信任的名人" 英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問"卡榫"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 我想上廁所怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問夜市套圈圈的英文怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 請問音樂剪接的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 牽車的英文怎麼說啊?
◇ [求譯]朋友之間不要計較那麼多啦怎麼說
◇ [請益] 特賣會的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 雞同鴨講的英文怎麼說?
◇ 請幫我簽簽名球要怎麼說?
◇ [請益] "我還沒下班"跟"我在上班"的英文要怎麼說
◇ [請益] 請問點飲料時 糖跟冰 要怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 調課 補課 怎麼說
◇ [請益] "被發現了" 要怎麼說??
◇ [單字] 父子關係 英文怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 該怎麼說這句話比較口語?
◇ 交給我 怎麼說
◇ [請益] 請問幾月幾日幾點幾分該怎麼說
◇ [請益] 請問難聽的英文怎麼說?
◇ Re: [請益] 請問難聽的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] "二十幾歲"怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 靈機一動怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問毛遂自薦的英文要怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 請問 你剛回台灣怎麼說?
◇ [請益] {在家接行銷案子}的英文應該怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 一顆水果怎麼說
◇ Re: [單字] 一顆水果怎麼說
◇ Re: [單字] 一顆水果怎麼說
◇ [單字] 遊山玩水該怎麼說?
◇ [請益] "看書看到睡著"的英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] 「謝謝您讓我成長」的英文該怎麼說呢
◇ [求譯] "最早/最晚"怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 怕冷怎麼說
◇ [請益] 在背後嘲笑他人?英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] 食記的英文要怎麼說??
◇ [請益]"自小就奠定了動靜皆宜的良好基礎"怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 我不是本地人 該怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 佔百分之幾要怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 業績成長幾成該怎麼說
◇ [單字] 請問早餐店的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問中文的"算是"英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 這已經是"成本價"怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] "季軍戰"的英文怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 中文的"請查照辦理"英文該怎麼說....
◇ [單字] 美容產業 和保養品 怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問 潛在客戶 要怎麼說啊?
◇ [求譯] 在海邊釣魚怎麼說
◇ [單字] 請問打票的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 處理帳務的英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] "裝熟"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 暑修的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 急~ 培訓英語教師 該怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問要怎麼說明"雞歪"? 有適合的單字嗎?
◇ [請益] "過夜"與"找朋友玩" 該怎麼說
◇ [請益] 寡不敵眾怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問美得過火怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 想請問"笑容很甜"的英文要怎麼說呢?
◇ [發音] 請問一下1:3用英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] 大便(拉屎)怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 「台灣是台灣人的台灣,台灣是世界的台灣」怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 鞋子掉了英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] 「亦迷亦友」怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 跨年齡層怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問店長的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問眼線筆蕊跟腮紅蕊芯怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 「彼此彼此」 要怎麼說
◇ Re: [請益] 請問眼線筆蕊跟腮紅蕊芯怎麼說?
◇ [請益]請問這句話可以怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問"把椅子靠攏"怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 飯碗下的"底圈"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 系籃跟劇展導演怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 合著專書怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問"轉品"的英文要怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問球評英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問路的另一端要怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 請問大笑的英文要怎麼說
◇ [問題] 食器的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 下下星期一怎麼說
◇ [單字] 跑馬燈的英文怎麼說呢
◇ [請益] 身段柔軟的英文可以怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 計算紙的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 束褲 怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 不勉強的英文怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 玻璃四周10mm的範圍...英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 姐妹作的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 童心未泯的英文生字怎麼說?
◇ 狗腿的英文該怎麼說呢
◇ [單字] "這讓我想到"怎麼說?
◇ [請益] "員工旅遊"的英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] 在教室後面怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 1,100,000,000 的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 「留」鬍子的「留」英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 奪命連環call的英文怎麼說
◇ [求譯] "我要把你養的白白胖胖的"的"英文"怎麼說?
◇ [請益] "老師"怎麼說啊~?
◇ [單字] 溜有兩排輪子的那種溜冰怎麼說
◇ [請益] 報到怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 該怎麼說....
◇ [單字] "借轉" 怎麼說
◇ [求譯] "辛苦你了"怎麼說
◇ [單字] 請問幫狗狗美容或做造型怎麼說
◇ [單字] 請問外聘演講的單字怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 幫電腦設定網路參數的"設定",英文該怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問代檢場的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益]跟外國人要msn要怎麼說呢
◇ [求譯] 硬著頭皮 要怎麼說阿?
◇ [請益] 請問"好巧喔"的英文怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 請問心情"歸零"怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 腳麻了 英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 哄女生的哄怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 運鈔車保全怎麼說
◇ [單字] 豐滿 婉轉的說女生胸大 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 言歸正傳 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 請問緣份怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問一下"搞定"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 默許 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 施主 的英文怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 『通不過驗鈔機』的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 預 兆 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 請問剌嘛的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 英文的"硬坳"、"硬掰"怎麼說
◇ [單字] 優良學生的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 請問唱KTV時的「升/降key」英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 感覺遲鈍怎麼說呢?untune?
◇ [請益] 我不想開學 的英文怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 請問前置執行作業的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 「我請客」請問怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 油嘴滑舌,怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 燙衣服 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 已代理的英文怎麼說
◇ [求譯] "精神不濟"怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 心理建設的英文該怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 請問「辦理定存」的『辦理』怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 客套話 怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] "這雙鞋多高"怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 盒子內裝有...要怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 頭髮旁分怎麼說?
◇ [請益] 這句話英語怎麼說比較好
◇ [求譯] 我需要沉澱一下 怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 少在那邊倚老賣老說教 怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 心領 (婉拒) 的英文怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 其實我只是一個粗人,怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 請問光頭的英文怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 來,秀秀!不要賭氣了~ 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 書生氣息、書呆子,怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 買主是一家醫院該怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 請問"凡事總有第一次"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 真服了你 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] "我想知道"該怎麼說
◇ [請益] 系學會的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 培訓機師的英文該怎麼說
◇ [請益] 請問僅供參考的英文怎麼說啊?
◇ [請益] 白開心一場/白忙一場 該怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 痘痘的「膿」 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 毛囊炎、蕩甲 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 撒嬌的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 掛號費、看診費、偷聽,怎麼說呢?例
◇ Re: [單字] 掛號費、看診費、偷聽,怎麼說呢?例
◇ [請益] 請問潮牌的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 發洩怒氣,怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 希望待遇用英文怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 你不用參考別人的做法 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 失態的英文怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 圍棋的讓子 怎麼說呢?
◇ Re: [求譯] 圍棋的讓子 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 不想牽就或配合別人的英語怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 有獎徵答英文要怎麼說
◇ [單字] 負責人的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 愛打小報告的人怎麼說
◇ [單字] 必考題的英文怎麼說?(跪求)
◇ 請問在大學的最後一年怎麼說??
◇ [求譯] 怎麼看都看不膩的英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] "不算是"的英文該怎麼說
◇ [請益] 請問捷運"車廂"要怎麼說??
◇ [請問] 租屋網站 的英文 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 請問 網友 的英文怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 積陰德 怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 請問"套話"的英文怎麼說
◇ [單字] 請問"打底"該怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] 挑高4米2 、值得恭喜 怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] "狼狽" 該怎麼說呢?
◇ Re: [單字] "狼狽" 該怎麼說呢?
◇ [求譯] "我(吃東西)口味比較重" 英文要怎麼說??
◇ [求譯] 正請人估價 要怎麼說呢?
◇ [發音] +/- 怎麼說?
◇ [單字] "肖想"該怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 請問"輔所"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] 咬緊牙關 的英文怎麼說呢?
◇ [單字] 請教"休息室"的英文怎麼說?
◇ [單字] "系館"的英文怎麼說
◇ [求譯] 倉頡輸入法的"字根"英文怎麼說
◇ [請益] "百家爭鳴" 怎麼說比較好
◇ [單字] 磨合期,怎麼說呢?
◇ [請益] 這句話英文該怎麼說?
◇ [求譯] 我在念碩士班 怎麼說?
◇ [請益] "燈光閃爍"該怎麼說比較好
◇ [請益] 請問逕讀博班的英文怎麼說?