精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
有不少網站打成warrent 一般比較多是warrant(至少同一個詞搜索令在GOOGLE上比較的比數差了百倍) 我腦海裡第一個想到的是搜索令 search warrant warrant noun 1 anything that gives authority for an action or decision; authorization; sanction 2 a document that certifies or guarantees, such as a receipt for goods stored in a warehouse, a licence, or a commission 3 (Law) an authorization issued by a magistrate or other official allowing a constable or other officer to search or seize property, arrest a person, or perform some other specified act 4 (in certain armed services) the official authority for the appointment of warrant officers 5 a security that functions as a stock option by giving the owner the right to buy ordinary shares in a company at a specified date, often at a specified price verb [transitive] 6 to guarantee the quality, condition, etc., of (something) 7 to give authority or power to 8 to attest to or assure the character, worthiness, etc., of 9 to guarantee (a purchaser of merchandise) against loss of, damage to, or misrepresentation concerning the merchandise 10 (Law) to guarantee (the title to an estate or other property) 11 to declare confidently [ETYMOLOGY: 13th Century: from Anglo-French warrant, variant of Old French guarant, from guarantir to guarantee, of Germanic origin; compare guaranty] 'warrantable adjective "warranta'bility noun 'warrantably adverb(ial) 'warranter noun 'warrantless adjective -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: