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這兩個詞有什麼特別的意思嗎 1. hanging chad 出處: "The American people have spoken - but it's going to take a little while to determine what they said" commented Bill Clinton in autumn 2000, as the saga of hanging chads in Florida unfolded in the Bush-Gore presidential contest. 2. golden mask 出處: A similar simplicity marks the telegram sent in 1876 by Heinrich Schliemann on his unearthing of a gold mask at Mycenae: "I have gazed upon the face of Agamemnon." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: valenci (birdy) 站內: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] hanging chad / golden mask 時間: Thu Oct 7 12:02:50 2004 1. hanging chad 請參照http://tinyurl.com/45zv2 資料尋找方法:www.google.com.tw。輸入hanging chads 2. golden mask 請參照:http://www.archaeology.org/9907/etc/mask.html 這個連結說明 Heinrich Schliemann在邁錫尼的考古發現。 再搜尋gold一字,有五具遺體戴著黃金面具。 Agamenon是古希臘神話中的人物。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: