精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《bena (何占豪之莫愁女)》之銘言: : 有一題閱讀測驗是一則廣告應徵秘書 : 其中有一個條件Must be a "people person" : 請問各位這是指什麼意思呢?? : 謝謝大家 我來自問自答了 http://www.scu.edu.tw/language/5sala/5202fad/E041127.htm People Person Definition: Someone who likes being with other people and who is good at working with people. 解釋:喜歡跟人群接觸的人,或是擅長處理人與人之間問題的人。 Example: Holly is a great stewardess -- she likes to fly and she's a real people person! 荷莉是一位很棒的空服員-她喜歡搭機旅行而且真的很喜歡與人群接觸。 Jane is not a people person. Luckily, her job does not require her to spend a lot of time with clients. 珍不擅與人相處,但幸運的是,她的工作並不需要花很多時間與客戶接觸。 Etymology: This term became popular in the 1990s. It was first used in corporations as a way to describe friendly people who are good at sales and customer service. 詞源:這個片語首次在1990年代出現,形容公司中一些很會銷售和做客戶服務的人。 Reference: http://www.peakenglish.com/ 編譯:雙溪外語自學室服務團隊 林亞萱(英三B) 2004.11.27 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: