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adj.gung ho 狂熱的;賣力的;傻勁的意思。 <Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary>:  motto (interpreted as meaning "work together") adopted by certain U.S. marines, from Chinese -------------------------- 這是一個非常有趣的詞彙,據老美說法是由中文借字 過去的。但究竟是哪個中文詞彙呢? (1) 1986年由Ron Howard執導的喜劇片名字也叫《Gung Ho》 香港中文片名叫《打工好漢》。 (2) 肯‧布蘭查寫的企業暢銷書《Gung Ho!》中文翻作《共好》。 (3) 1.有人說Gung Ho是來自河洛話「講好」。 (台灣說法) 2.也有人說是來自「中國工業合作協會」的簡稱「工合」。 (大陸說法) 3.小笨霖英語筆記則揣測是「剛好」。 -------------------------- 剛剛前文的 "gan" 啟發了我: 我覺得「幹活」也蠻貼的...Orz -------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: loiswang (America's sweetheart ) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] Gung Ho 時間: Wed Apr 6 23:26:00 2005 Our Living Language Most of us are not aware of it today, but the word gung ho has been in English only since 1942 and is one of the many words that entered the language as a result of World War II. It comes from Man- darin Chinese g?nghe, “to work together,” which was used as a motto by the Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society. Lieutenant Colonel Evans F. Carlson (1896–1947) borrowed the motto as a moniker for meetings in which problems were discussed and worked out; the motto caught on among his Marines (the famous “Carlson's Raiders”), who began calling themselves the “Gung Ho Battalion.” From there eager individuals began to be referr- ed to as gung ho. Other words and expressions that entered English during World War II include flak, gizmo, task force, black market, and hit the sack. 比較詳盡的來源解釋... 來自answers.com 感覺比較像是"工合"to work together 或是幹活 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: