精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《babyshop (^^*)》之銘言: : 看電影What Women Want裡面 : 劇情背景大概是咖啡店的Lola要試鏡 : Lola to Counter Girl: : I'm sure I did't get it.They were looking for an : "Earth Mother" type. : I overheard the director say I was no space cadet. : I'm an actress.I can be whatever you want. : space cadet指心不在焉或呆呆的人有什麼典故嗎@@a 《Space Cadet》是 1948 年 Robert A. Heinlein 所寫的經典 科幻小說。敘述一個年輕人加入太空軍校 (Space Academy) 接受嚴格訓練以捍衛人類文明的故事。 太空軍校的學生就叫做 Space Cadet, 下面這段話說明什麼人有資格成為 Space Cadet: Only the best and brightest -- the strongest and the most courageous -- ever managed to become Space Cadets. They were the elite guard of the solar system, accepting missions others feared, taking risks no others dared, and upholding the peace of the solar system for the benefit of all. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
babyshop:謝謝真詳細^^| 07/28
ycjjen: 不用客氣 07/28