精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在雜誌上看到這一段, The resilience of Magic Twist makes it a must for kids, sports-oriented people and individuals with an on-the-go lifestyle. 這裡的 on-the-go 怎麼解釋? 有哪個線上字典或哪裡可以查到英文解釋? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
youngerwu:OTG是usb的技術 如相機可以不用接電腦就 03/29 15:46
youngerwu:傳輸到印表機 或是類似用途 03/29 15:47
ilovebebe:愛趴趴走的意思嗎? 03/29 15:48
ilovebebe:之前大說有個單元叫"on the go" 03/29 15:48
halaphone:奇摩字典查到的是-隨時隨地 03/29 16:00
coffeefish:感覺起來很抽象??隨時隨地的生活風格? 03/29 16:32
Suzie:隨性的生活風格呢? 03/29 16:49
upyours2:隨插即用? 03/29 19:32
knowing:帶了就走的意思嗎? 03/29 19:49
knowing:有看到用在食物上的用法 用在lifestyle就140.119.131.215 03/29 19:51
knowing:不太能解釋140.119.131.215 03/29 19:52
NTUqueen:樓上的 那是TO GO 03/29 20:20
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: leetedy (Cavalier) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] on-the-go的意思? 時間: Wed Mar 29 17:48:28 2006 ※ 引述《coffeefish (終究是流浪的個性)》之銘言: : 在雜誌上看到這一段, : The resilience of Magic Twist makes it a must for kids, sports-oriented people : and individuals with an on-the-go lifestyle. : 這裡的 on-the-go 怎麼解釋? : 有哪個線上字典或哪裡可以查到英文解釋? [on the go 席不暇暖;馬不停蹄] 例句 Having been on the go for the entire day, I think I deserve a good night's sleep. 忙了一整天,我想我總該睡個好覺了。 [相似詞] ◎on the move ◎on the trot ◎be hard at it [反義詞] ◎watch the world go by ◎sit on one's hands ◎gather dust [來源:CNN雜誌 2006 FEB] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: NTUqueen (朴志恩) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] on-the-go的意思? 時間: Wed Mar 29 20:14:23 2006 ※ 引述《coffeefish (終究是流浪的個性)》之銘言: : 在雜誌上看到這一段, : The resilience of Magic Twist makes it a must for kids, sports-oriented people : and individuals with an on-the-go lifestyle. : 這裡的 on-the-go 怎麼解釋? : 有哪個線上字典或哪裡可以查到英文解釋? 用字典查不太到 建議你去買本idiom大全 on the go constantly busy example...you'll have to schedule an appointment with Mr.Luther a week in advance . He's always on the go. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
TsaoHS:常常在HATE版看到你喔 皇后 03/29 20:56
knowing:請問還有別的意思嗎? 因為有時用busy不太140.119.131.215 03/30 13:05
knowing:能解釋看到的句子140.119.131.215 03/30 13:06