精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我在voa上聽到的,關於阿格西退休的報導,文中有出現個"father time" 照上下文看起來不會像只有字面上的意思 原文在此 Even Andre Agassi could not conquer Father Time. As his career ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ wound down, it was his 36-year-old back that betrayed him. The years of strain and pain limited his speed and mobility to the point where shots he would have once easily returned, now flew by him untouched. 照上下文&查字典我都猜不出他是啥意思, 請問這個詞有何特別的意思嗎? 謝謝! -- 照顧2百隻狗的老榮民邴福先生 他的郵局帳號0002046,0097300 請幫助幫助他....謝謝您的愛心! 以下是邴福先生的近況,請大家看看,但請勿去亂丟狗! http://tinyurl.com/otm86 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
johnny739:時間老人 :) 09/06 23:51
johnny739:時間的人型化 09/06 23:52
SHALIMAR:謝謝~ :) 09/07 21:02