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SPI-like interface 後面的-like的意思是? 意思是........."類似" SPI 介面的意思? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
petition:yeah 10/14 23:17
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: vicjht (Little Monster) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字辨] SPI-like 時間: Mon Oct 15 13:03:34 2007 ※ 引述《CuckooBoy (書仔)》之銘言: : SPI-like interface 後面的-like的意思是? : 意思是........."類似" SPI 介面的意思? 應該是跟SPI有著相同結構 其實我也對這不是很了解 http://www.opencircuits.com/Dosonchip 這裡面有提到 請看有 # 的那一句 1. When using only one device on SPI, you should be able to leave the CS signal in the active state at all times, also called "3 wire mode." The DOSOnChip module (DOC for short) recommends that you wiggle this pin as part of its communications protocol in noisy environments (more later). 2. In addition to the above signals, DOC requires that you monitor an additional pins: BUSY. 3. DOC requires that you toggle the RESET pin to reset the device. It is possible to put the module to sleep via SPI, but reawakening the device requires that you disconnect power and reapply it. Even toggling the RESET pin will not cause the device to wake up. # So, the "SPI"-like interface consists of the following signals: SCLK - clock. Must be toggled up and down to write or read a bit. (two transitions per bit). MISO - master in/slave (DOC) out MOSI - master out/ slave (DOC) in CS - ChipSelect DIR - read only from master point-of-view. DOC sets this to 1 when it is ready to receive data, and sets it to 0 when it has data to send. BUSY - Read-only from master point of view. DOC sets this to 1 when it can't be bothered to communicate. RESET - used to reset or intialize the device. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: