精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下有一小段文章 . Angelina Jolie has revealed she is not a fan of hugs. The actress said she found it difficult to talk about her emotions and hugging people particularly uncomfortable. Angelina said: "I'm not a hugger. People make fun of me. It's something that I have a hard time with" "If someone hugs me, I hold my breath. Snuggling, cuddling, hugging, crying - all that stuff makes me very uncomfortable... I've often been accused of not talking about my personal things. I mean, even with Brad. He usually has to draw something out of me." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 請問在這裡 , draw out 的意思是 ? 我猜 , 是說 . 連他都必須要花很大力氣才能讓我說些什麼 . 意思是連對他我都未必能完全敞開心房 . 是這樣嗎 ? Thanks. -- 「過情人節也罷,過聖誕節也罷,自然有我願意麻煩他的人關照啦。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cute3618:out of = from 從我這得到什麼 或是 引我說出什麼話 02/03 19:03
cute3618:draw out 引誰說話 02/03 19:07