精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The first usage I thought immediately is: I need to go to restroom.( Otherwise, I want to consult a question about the usages to you guys. In the sentence mentioned above, need I add an ARTICLE before restroom? As in my opinion, you just use restroom to get your "waste" of your body away, and you don't go to the room, you just use it. This is like an abstract point of view as going to bed means sleep, etc. Can anyone help me solve my problems?) However, could I say I want( or: need) to urinate or pupu->what's the formal way to express it? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
alixia:going to the restroom. or you can say you need to 03/02 08:46
alixia:powder your nose. 03/02 08:46
abc2090614:I will use the restroom/bathroom 03/02 11:07
abc2090614:這個問題我問過我同學 他說美國人不會去管他上大號小號 03/02 11:08
abc2090614:所以就說去上廁所就好了 03/02 11:08
alixia:You can still say "I wanna (or I'm gonna) pee/poo." 03/02 14:54
alixia:but it's definitely informal. 03/02 14:54
arrojo0412:How about "nature calls" ? 03/02 18:20
※ 編輯: introvert 來自: (03/04 01:16)