精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
提問: 因為打工的關係 要以電話聯絡一些外國客人 請問該怎麼把以下的訊息說的口語一點? "你好 這裡是XX書店 你的雜誌已經到了 請抽空來拿" 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hoch:Hello, this is XX bookstore. The item (or book, magazine) 04/26 14:25
hoch:you previously ordered has arrived. Please come to pick 04/26 14:26
hoch:it up at your convenient time. 04/26 14:27
kazakou:謝謝hoch 想請問如果改成這樣可以嗎?會句子不順嗎? 04/26 14:35
kazakou:Hello, this is XX bookstore. The magazine 04/26 14:35
kazakou:you ordered has arrived. Please come to pick 04/26 14:36
kazakou:it up at your available. 04/26 14:36
hoch:at your available 很怪。可能要說: at your earliest 04/26 15:38
hoch:available time。 04/26 15:39
kazakou:好的 謝謝你! 04/26 15:58