精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 標題: [單字] 一顆水果怎麼說 : : 水果的英文是fruit,可是是不可數名詞 : 那fruits指的是不同種類的水果 : 如果我要說一顆水果的話,可以說one fruit?還是有其他的說法? : 推 banqhsia:an apple? an orange? 05/28 21:03 : → priv:use 'a piece of fruit' 05/28 21:22 : → priv:a fruit = 一種水果,ex. Is apple a fruit? 05/28 21:27 : → crucifixion:okay, got it! Thanks.... 05/28 21:33 這邊用兩個例句來跟大家交流一下 一顆水果:There is a piece of fruit here. Whose is it? 一種水果:There is a fruit. I don't know its name, but they eat it in Mexico. a fruit=a kind of fruit -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
xiaoa:There is a fruit on the table.誰會理解成"一種水果在桌上" 05/29 23:14