精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問"精神不濟"要用什麼字呢?(不想用Be tired) 是用spirit/spiritual相關字嗎?? 例如說:我因為昨天很晚睡,所以今天早上上班精神不濟。 謝謝喔~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: luckyjack 來自: (04/12 10:33)
heziying:spiritual有宗教味 spirit有迷信味 04/12 11:28
heziying:我會用no energy, out of sorts, off,out of it之類的^^ 04/12 11:30
heavensdoor:how about 'lethargic'? 04/12 14:49
waterfalls:fatigue 04/12 16:45
elphie:worn out 04/13 05:56
kenotic:i'm beat (不太準) 04/13 08:12
bunnies:lethargic可以,但是算是big words 不那麼常用 04/13 08:44
bilingualism:unenergetic? 04/13 12:47
bilingualism:I'm a little bit unenergetic. 04/13 12:48
leefengyuh:HAD A LATE NIGHT 04/16 09:16