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請問「辦理定存」的『辦理』怎麼說? 可以說 I want to make a time deposit 嗎? 「辦理」兩字是用make嗎?還是別的動詞來搭配? -- ※地獄※ http://fuyin.lingliang.org/200204/020423ttdy.htm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cerenis:我會用i'd like to apply for the term deposit,, 04/17 21:06
dunchee:"辦理"-> 不需要非得直翻。可以用這: 04/18 02:51
dunchee:-> 14 ... (因為整體過程本來就是種"辦理") 美式說法的化 04/18 02:52
dunchee:比如: I'd like to open a CD.(之後,銀行行員自然會問哪 04/18 02:56
dunchee:種/細節等等) 04/18 02:56
dunchee:http://tinyurl.com/42fnla7 (也是有"開戶"字眼) 04/18 02:58
bunnies:I would like to open a CD account 04/18 07:13
bunnies:或是I would like to open a time deposit account 04/18 07:15