精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
常常聽見台語裡的 "肖想"很久 (國:垂涎已久) ex:爸爸買給我肖想很久的包包 像這樣應該要用甚麼詞比較貼切生動呢@@? 謝謝解惑:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cooxander:covet 08/30 14:55
TRUE5566:covet? 08/30 15:11
leefengyuh:have a thing about 08/30 15:14
heziying:the bag (that) I'd been lusting after? hahaha 08/30 15:14
leoblack:desire?! be itching for?! 08/30 22:15
shiningc:有個口語eyeball變動詞,字典裡大概都找不到,但是很生動 09/01 00:40
shiningc:Dad bought me the bag I have been eyeballing 09/01 00:41
leefengyuh:豬哥 DROOL OVER 美女 09/02 09:12
PGM:aspire 09/02 13:59