精華區beta Nationals 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 CMWang 看板 #1ETgpam5 ] 作者: nowend (nowend) 看板: CMWang 標題: Re: [外電] Investment in Chien-Ming Wang finally starting to pa 時間: Mon Sep 19 10:45:53 2011 ※ 引述《hereafter (Allons-y!)》之銘言: : Investment in Chien-Ming Wang finally starting to pay dividends for Nationals : By Amanda Comak-The Washington Times 國民隊在小王身上的投資,終於開始回收了... : For the better part of the past two years, the Washington : Nationals have invested time, personnel and, of course, more than : $3 million in pitcher Chien-Ming Wang. With each day - and month - : that passed without much progress, the decision was scrutinized. : If ever they needed reassurance that their patience would be : rewarded, they had it standing on the mound at Nationals Park on a : crisp September afternoon Sunday. Making his 10th start for the : Nationals, Wang (3-3) turned in perhaps his strongest performance : yet in a 4-3 win over the Florida Marlins. 過去兩年大部分的時間裡,國民隊在投手小王身上投注了許多時間、人力,當然還有超過三百萬的金錢。 然而,從每一天,以及每個月的情況來看,這些投資並沒有得到太多回報。 對於小王是否能東山再起的問題,許多人還是用相當嚴格的心態來檢視。 不過,如果這些人對自己的耐心究竟能否得到回報仍然感到疑慮, 那麼九月十八日星期天這個晴朗的下午, 小王在國民隊主場投手丘上的表現,相信能夠為他們打了一劑強心針。 這是小王(三勝三敗)在國民隊第十場先發,同時也是小王今年最猛的表現。 國民隊最後以四比三擊敗佛羅里達馬林魚。 : The questions that surround Wang are no longer about the health of : his repaired and painstakingly rehabbed right shoulder, but : rather whether he and his signature sinker will be a part of the : Nationals’ rotation in 2012. 因為小王的好表現,現在大家關心的問題,已經不再是小王的右肩在經過手術與復健後是否健康, 而是小王是否能帶著他的招牌伸卡球,在2012年繼續為國民隊效勞。 : “As far as I’m concerned, ever since he’s started throwing : again, he’s a keeper,” said Nationals manager Davey Johnson : after Wang’s 6 2/3-inning performance that featured six hits, : three earned runs and five strikeouts. 當看到小王在這場比賽中投了六又三分之二局,只被打出六支安打,丟掉三分,同時有五次三振的表現後, 國民隊總教練Johnson說:「我自己認為,只要小王能回到大聯盟,我們就應該留下他。」 : “I’ve had that thinking all along,” Johnson added. “I was : amazed at how he was throwing from Day One. … And I’ve seen : improvement every step of the way. The main thing is that he’s : starting to trust that he’s healthy. He’s throwing more quality : pitches … and also in his demeanor. I think he’s getting more : confidence that it’s going to hold up.” Johnson接著說:「我一直都是這樣想的。從他回來投球的第一天開始,我就對他的表現感到驚喜。 我也看到他一直以來的進步。最主要的是,他也開始相信他自己是健康的。 他開始投出越來越多的好球,各種表現也越來越有水準。我想他已經越來越有自信,而且會一直保持下去。」 : Wang was masterful in disposing of the Marlins through the first : four innings, surrendering just one hit. A flyout to center by : Greg Dobbs to end the fourth was the first ball lofted into the : outfield. 小王在前四局的投球中,讓馬林魚打者無功而返,僅僅被敲出一支安打。 馬林魚在前四局中被小王完全封鎖,只有Dobbs一個人將球打到外野。 : Gaby Sanchez changed that with a home run to lead off the fifth, : and a two-run shot by Brett Hayes cut Wang’s advantage to one in : the seventh. But the progress is clear as he’s getting harder for : teams to attack. 可惜的是,Sanchz在第五局轟出一發陽春砲,後來Hayes又在第七局敲出兩分全壘打。 不過這些失分都無傷大雅,小王的表現已經證明其他球隊將更難從他手上得分。 : In Wang’s first seven starts, he walked 13 and struck out nine. : In the past three, he’s walked none and struck out 12. : “It’s turning into a pretty good success story for him,” said : outfielder Jonny Gomes, who jump-started the Nationals’ offense : with a double and scored on a sacrifice fly by Chris Marrero in : the second. 在小王前七場先發中,小王總共投出十三次保送,僅僅三振九名打者。 但是在過去三場先發中,小王沒有保送任何人,不過卻K掉十二名打者。 外野手Gomes說:「小王的表現已經宣告他的成功復出。」 Gomes今天的表現同樣優異,他在第二局時敲出了一支二壘安打, 然後靠著Marrero的犧牲打跑回本壘得分。 : Marrero doubled in another run, and Danny Espinosa added a two-run : single in a three-run fourth. Marrero到了第四局又敲出一支二壘安打,然後Espinosa打出帶有兩分打點的一壘安打。 這局國民隊共得到三分。 : “If he just came back and pitched, that would be pretty awesome,” : Gomes said. “To come back and pitch at this level and have : success? That’s icing on the cake. Gomes說:「小王能回到球場重新投球,已經是很讚的事情。 現在小王不但回到大聯盟,還以這種高水準的表現拿下勝利,這真是太了不起了。」 : “[With the Yankees], he was one of the ambassadors of that power : sinker. There weren’t many guys doing it when he was doing it. : His velocity is not where it was when he was in New York, but he’ : s become a smarter pitcher, using his other stuff. … It will be : good to get him back on our team. He’s going to be at the top end : of the rotation, absolutely.” Gomes又說:「(在洋基時),小王就是強力伸卡球的代言人了。 那時根本沒有幾個人能投出小王的伸卡保齡球。雖然現在小王還沒完全恢復過去的身手, 不過他已經變成一個智慧型投手,會利用其他球路....這就成為他回到我們隊上的利基。 小王絕對會成為先發輪值的王牌,這是無庸置疑的!」 : Wang’s success Sunday, similar to a six-inning performance in : Chicago on Aug. 9, in which he carried a no-hitter into the sixth, : was predicated on using his sinker almost 70 percent of the time. : Of Wang’s 93 pitches, 64 were sinkers. 就像他八月九日在芝加哥時那場六局(五局無安打)的好投一樣, 小王今天(星期天)的勝利關鍵,就在於他大量使用伸卡球。 在小王投出的九十三球中,有六十四球都是伸卡球,比例超過百分之七十。 : “I thought he was outstanding,” Marlins manager Jack McKeon : said. “I think it’s a good sign for the Nationals. Maybe this : guy next year is part of their rotation and can come back and : pitch like he did when he was with the Yankees.” 馬林魚的教練McKeon說:「我覺得小王的表現真是可圈可點,我想這對國民隊來說是個好現象。 也許這小子明年會成為國民隊先發陣容的一員,同時也會表現得跟他在洋基隊時一樣勇猛。」 : It’s a possibility that seems more real with each start. Wang : will pitch once more this season, Saturday against the Atlanta : Braves, but there’s a good chance it might not be his last for : Washington. 在小王往後的先發中,這種勇猛的表現很可能會成真。 在今年球季結束之前,小王還有一次先發機會。 他將會在星期六對上勇士隊,但是這應該不會成為他在國民隊的最後一場出賽。 : With a projected rotation that features Stephen Strasburg, Jordan : Zimmermann and John Lannan at the top, along with a young stable : to fill out the rest of the staff, the Nationals could use Wang’s : contributions as a veteran. 國民隊未來的投手輪值將包括了Strasburg、Zimmermann,以及Lannan, 同時也會搭配其他表現穩定的年輕投手。因此,國民隊或許可以把小王當成老鳥來運用。 : “My arm feels good,” Wang said through an interpreter. “I just : want to stay healthy, have a good offseason and then get myself : ready for next season. Hopefully, I can come back here, but the : decision is made by the team. 小王透過翻譯說:「我的手臂感覺很好,我只想繼續保持健康,在球季結束後好好保養, 然後準備迎接下一個球季。我希望我能夠回到這裡,但是這得讓球團來決定。」 : “Personally, I would like to come back. I really appreciate their : patience the last two years. Hopefully, in the future, I can win : more games for them.” 「就我個人來說,我很願意回到國民隊。我真的很感謝他們過去兩年對我的耐心。 我希望未來我能為國民隊拿下更多勝利。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: