精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我想一半是我功力不夠,一半是我陷在書裡太深了。(無奈) 反覆修了幾次,有比較好,但是還是不很滿意, 希望有高手可以指點一二~ A case in point is how Western culture inherited a combination of myths from the Greeks, whose fertile imagination had interpreted natural and spiritual events in an animistic and anthropomorphic way. Plato described mythos as a tale revolving around gods, divine beings, heroes, and those returned from the afterlife. This was opposed to logos, the typical rational argumentation of philosophical speculation. A myth is, therefore, a story or a series of tales that has often reached us in a fragmentary way. 西方文化自希臘人承續了神話之集成的過程是很好的例子;希臘人以萬物皆有靈及擬 人手法,發揮豐富的想像力詮釋自然與心靈事件。柏拉圖描述神話是圍繞著神祇、有 神性的人類、英雄、和那些死後回來的靈魂的故事。這與典型的哲學懷疑辯證「理則 」(logos)背道而馳。因此,我們所知的神話、故事或是系列傳說,經常都不完整。 先謝過了! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: