看板 Christianity 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《theologe (表達你我的信仰~)》之銘言: : 延續#1RUOXdna推文處tf建議的「反律主義」探討: : 這篇摘要介紹了那時路德處理的爭論,比較好懂一點 : https://lutheranreformation.org/history/the-antinomian-disputations/ : 有些句子我真的看到板上兩造辯論的影子! : "Agricola and the Antinomians did not deny the presence of sin in the life of : the Christian. However, they saw the Law as a dead letter, which by no means : could bring about repentance. Repentance is brought about by the work of the : Holy Spirit, as Jesus teaches in John 14-16, and the antinomians operated : with the idea that the Holy Spirit did not work through the Law. Instead, : they believed that the Holy Spirit operates only in the Gospel. Therefore, : the preaching of the crucified Christ alone would lead to true repentance. : Repentance from sin was not about recognizing that one had violated the Law : but that one had done harm to the Son of Man, who laid down His life for the : salvation of sinners." : 這段對反律主義論點的描繪,跟板上會所弟兄表述的幾乎一致。 : 並非罪大惡極,甚至頗有說服力,但就是怪怪的。 幫大家整理一下重點: 一、非律主義者認為律法是死的字句,無法帶來悔改。 二、悔改是由聖靈的工作帶來的。 三、因罪悔改不是因為認識到人違反了律法...... theo的理解中,這與會所弟兄表述的幾乎一致。真的是這樣嗎? 那麼會所弟兄怎麼表述呢? 一、若想憑肉體遵守律法,那麼律法的確可以是死的字句。 但當我們在神的光中,卻看見律法能暴露人的罪,暴露我們是罪人。 二、律法的暴露加上聖靈的光照,使人悔改。 三、人就是違反了律法,窺缺了神的榮耀。 嗯......看起來表述不太一樣呢! 出埃及記生命讀經六十四篇中說得更清楚: 我們必須牢記,律法是屬靈、聖潔、公義且良善的,頒賜律法的本意是要帶進生命,律法 本身不能給人生命。那麼我們向著律法該有甚麼樣的態度呢?我們絕不該輕看律法。反之 ,我們應當感謝律法暴露我們,征服我們,並且把我們帶到作生命源頭的主那裏。我們應 當說:『律法,我要感謝你暴露我,征服我,並帶我歸向那能賜我生命的那一位。我要感 謝你引我到賜生命者那裏。』 順便提醒:之前有人指控我們貶低律法,看來也是子虛烏有。 : 至於路德怎麼回應? : "For Luther, if one would lose the proclamation of the Law, one would also : lose the sweet gospel which sets sinners free from condemnation. He said, “ : Yet it is safest to turn to a middle road, to turn too much neither to the : right nor to the left. For both are dangerous, and, as I said already, for : this reason also, the office of the word was instituted, that we might teach : both, that is, the Law and the Gospel. The one cannot properly be taught or : dealt with safely without the other…So here too one must divide well, lest : only one part be taught in the churches—either fear and sorrow or : consolation and joy—but both at the same time.”[4] Both Law and Gospel are : necessary for repentance: the Law which works contrition (sorrow for sin) and : the Gospel which works faith in the promise of forgiveness. : Is there a need for the preaching of the Law? Should pastors proclaim the Law : in their sermons? Does the Law play a role in repentance? Yes. “The Law : reveals the guilt of sin And makes us conscience-stricken; But then the : Gospel enters in The sinful soul to quicken.”[5] As we remain in the fallen : flesh we will have need for God’s holy Law, not as a means to make ourselves : righteous but in order that we take hold of the depth of Christ’s saving : work for us, delivered in the Gospel message of forgiveness." : 其他的部份請再自行閱讀連結全文。 重點: 律法使罪揭露,並使我們良心有虧缺,接著福音進入我們裡面,使我們悔改並被拯救。 原來路德說的才跟會所弟兄表述幾乎一致呀! 所以抱歉,非律主義的帽子會所戴不下,請送給別人。 ====== 補充一段有意思的文字。 在神學的故事467-468頁說到: 「路德的對手們控告,路德向反律法主義這個古老異端敞開大門,否認所有的律法和順服。 他們控訴說,路德關於稱義的教導會打消基督徒追求聖潔生活的動機...... 路德用他自己的方法,來說明基督徒的善行。善行,例如愛神與愛人的行動,會從基督徒 因為得到赦免且被稱為義的新心裡,自然流露出來。認識恩典的同一個信心,以及稱他為 義的同一個恩典,一定會從這位基督徒裡面,開始改變他,並且結出義的果子。路德確信 這一點,但是,不要太專注於善行,以免被它牽著鼻子,回到行義的路子上。」 路德遭受的指控,不知道大家有沒有覺得很眼熟? 不就是前些日子會所遭受的指控嗎? 路德的遭遇我們現在也感同身受了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Christianity/M.1534809617.A.9B9.html
pinjose: 推一下,誠信正直的map,文章可以放心閱讀 08/21 08:03
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