看板 DigiCurrency 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞來源連結: https://goo.gl/aR38jP 新聞本文: Russian Crypto Blogger Found Dead in St Petersburg Apartment Pavel Nyashin, a well-known youtube blogger, and Russian cryptocurrency investor was recently found dead in his apartment in St. Petersburg. May 6, 2018 一名數位貨幣的YouTuber被發現陳屍在公寓裡 According to local Russian tabloids, the 23-year old may have committed suicide. While the cause of Nyashin’s death is currently being investigated, he was previously robbed in his apartment earlier this year in January 2018, with 24 million Rubles (approximately $380,000) stolen from him. After the attack, he moved to the eastern suburbs of St Petersburg with his mother, where he was found dead. 根據local Russian tabloids新聞的報導,一名23歲,名叫Nyashin的人,被發現陳屍在 公寓裡。目前初步判定應該是自殺。 在今年一月,他價值約美金38萬的數位貨幣被盜。在事情發生之後,他搬回了原本的家裡 跟他的媽媽一起住,而這裡就是他被發現陳屍的地方。 The assault in January came after he boasted about his cryptocurrency winnings and wealth on Youtube. Unfortunately, some of the stolen funds were not his. While investigators are currently looking into the circumstances concerning his death, Makushin’s mother mentioned to Ren TV that Nyashin may have committed suicide because of his owings and debt. 在事情發生之前,他常常在YouTube上吹噓他有多少的數位貨幣。目前調查人員正在調查 有關他的死因,但他的母親向Ren TV提到,Nyashin可能是因為欠債和債務而自殺。 Nyashin’s Youtube channel has also been inactive for the past three months before his death. He was previously a popular cryptocurrency trader with approximately 20,000 subscribers. 他的YouTube頻道在自從自殺事件發生後三個月,幾乎沒有任何動靜,這個頻道有至少 20000名訂閱者。 Increase in Bitcoin-related suicides 有關數位貨幣相關的自殺案例不斷的在增加 Unfortunately, Nyashin’s situation is not the first Bitcoin-related death. In February 2018, a 20-year-old Kang Dong-Pyo took his own life after losing large amounts of money on cryptocurrency trading. The Korean college student was previously depressed and undergoing medical treatment, however, with the continual decline in Bitcoin prices, Dong-Pyo saw little hope and committed suicide. Nyashin並不是第一位因為數位貨幣而自殺的,在今年2月時,一名20歲的韓國大學生: Kang Dong-Pyo。將他畢生所有的積蓄投入了數位貨幣,因為價值大幅的下跌,因而選擇了 自殺。 On a Reddit Bitcoin thread, user barking_bonerz had also shared a situation concerning his brother’s suicide over cryptocurrencies five months ago. The brother had unfortunately lost 15,000 Bitcoins in 2012, “If I had missed out on $50M I might have killed myself too,” said Reddit user barking_bonerz. “ Bitcoin totally fucked up his mindset to the point where you couldn’t talk about anything related to investing, money or finances without him storming off or crying.” 另一個案例則是五個月前Reddit上的那位兄弟的自殺案例,他損失了超過15000個比特幣 ,等同於損失了5000萬美金價值的比特幣。 “It is important to know – and especially when you invest a lot of money – that the prices fluctuate greatly,” said Eric Finnman, a teenage cryptocurrency millionaire. Finnman noted that a bearish market was normal and quite foreseeable in Bitcoin’s future. “In the past, Bitcoin has had these setbacks time and time again, and this is unlikely to change in the future.” 你必須要知道相關風險 - 特別是當你投入大量資金在波動如此大的商品時。“十幾歲的 加密貨幣百萬富翁Eric Finnman說。 在比特幣的未來,一個熊市的市場是可以預見的。 “過去,比特幣一次又一次地遇到了這些情況,而且這在未來不太可能改變。” Unfortunately, Bitcoin’s volatile prices are not the only cryptocurrency-related incident causing deaths and panic in investors. According to the Metro, cryptocurrency scams and crashes like the Bitconnect announcement of closure in January sent investors into a panic. RT News suggests that any more swings and falls in cryptocurrency prices could even lead to a higher number of suicides to come. 不幸的是,比特幣大幅波動的價格並不是唯一與加密貨幣相關的自殺與恐慌事件發生的原 因。 根據Metro的消息。層出不窮的加密貨幣詐騙事件也是如此,例如Bitconnect在1月份宣布 關閉,導致投資者陷入恐慌。 RT News表示,加密貨幣價格的波動和大跌未來還可能導致 更多的自殺事件發生。 Bitcoin support hotline for those needing it most 防自殺專線可以提供因為投資數位加密而有自殺念頭的人使用 In January 2018, one of the top-voted posts on the r/Cryptocurrency subreddit was the hotline for the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Moscow-based company Blockchain Fund also opened a hotline to help people dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts. 在2018年1月,reddit r / Cryptocurrency上的置頂文顯示美國國家預防自殺生命線的熱 線。總部位於莫斯科的Blockchain Fund也開通了一條熱線幫助那些因為投資數位貨幣而 導致憂鬱症和發生自殺念頭的人。 “Some people are in a panic, they don’t understand what is happening,” said Elena Pikhovkina, a psychologist who is working with on the Blockchain Fund’s hotline, as she told Life.ru. “At first everything was so good in this market, and now it has faced such changes… First of all, I will get acquainted with people in my work, listen to their stories and then give advice on how to calm down and recover. It is very important so that a person does not do anything stupid.” "有些人處於恐慌之中,他們不明白發生了什麼" 正在Blockchain Fund熱線工作的心理學家Elena Pikhovkina說,她告訴Life.ru。 "起初,這個市場的一切都非常好,現在它面臨著這樣的變化......首先,我會熟悉工作 中的人,聆聽他們的故事,然後提供建議。這是非常重要的,這樣他們就比較不會做出 諸如自殺這樣的事情。" 評論: 大家一定要保管好私鑰,並且注意相關的數位貨幣詐騙。 因為數位貨幣導致自殺的案例不斷的在增加。 如果這樣的事情發生在台灣人身上,台灣可能又會增加一個數位貨幣自殺的案例了。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my Leeco LEX820. -- 1.你不管後半輩子再怎麼努力,都比不上你投胎那一次的努力 @qxxrbull 2.努力用功一輩子,不如你爸媽給你一棟北市精華區的房子 3.你工作一年連100萬都賺不到,人家買個1200張中華票券擺一年就有100萬 4.要從沒錢變有錢很困難,要從有錢變更有錢很簡單 5.法律規定不能教唆他人自殺,因為當所有窮人都自殺了,有錢人也沒辦法一直有錢了 6.自殺前記得用盡你的能力貸款,在選擇權結算日前全梭一邊,這是你死前翻身的機會 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/DigiCurrency/M.1527141074.A.EC2.html
EthereumPTT: 生命可貴 05/24 14:01
EthereumPTT: 硬體錢包的錢不要省 05/24 14:01
FF16: 這是之前的那個或是又一個? 05/24 14:09
qxxrbull: 俄羅斯這個是新的一個,板上沒貼過的自殺案例 05/24 14:13
tcn1john: 除了被盜,忘記備份或是加密太嚴解不開也很常見 05/24 14:13
Zingiber: ID正確 05/24 14:40
knuck: 損失15000BTC那位也是被盜嗎 05/24 14:55
qxxrbull: 基本上應該是,文章指出是當時Mt.Gox被盜的 05/24 14:56
qxxrbull: #1QFefAFr 05/24 14:57
a23962787: 又是你 每次自殺都是你 05/24 15:14
allen139443: ID正確 05/24 15:30
ManInBlack: 如果我有15000BTC馬上出金去爽QQ 05/24 15:48
ManInBlack: 還是是代管? 如果是代管感覺真的會很想死... 05/24 15:49
ManInBlack: ...原來是還沒漲起來就被盜 真QQ 05/24 15:50
SamuelLuo: ID正確,保重啊QQ 05/24 16:14
JoyRex: 我噴了10枚 05/24 16:20
camellala: ID正確 05/24 17:42
※ 編輯: qxxrbull (, 05/24/2018 18:35:19
exca: ID正確 05/24 23:29
aabb927: ID正確 05/27 04:53