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來源: The USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/ybqyjtlg Red Sox exercise $15 million 2019 option on ace Chris Sale 紅襪行使2019選擇權,1500萬鎂留下王牌Chris Sale BOSTON (AP) — The Red Sox have exercised their $15 million option for next season on ace left-hander Chris Sale. 紅襪球團行使選擇權,1500萬鎂在讓王牌左投Chris Sale明年續留紅襪。 Sale will earn $15 million in the final season of a five-year contract he signed with the Chicago White Sox before the 2013 season that guaranteed $32.5 million, including a 2017 option buyout. He had a $12.5 million salary this season in the first of two option years and will wind up earning $59 million over seven seasons plus award bonuses. Sale可以在他2013年與白襪簽下五年合約--保證拿到3250萬鎂,包括2017年有buyout選 項--的最後一年拿到1500萬鎂。他在兩年的選擇權的今年拿到1250萬鎂,最後將會在這七 年內累計拿到5900萬鎂以及獎金。 Sale can become a free agent after the 2019 World Series. Sale會在明年的世界大賽後成為FA。 In addition, infielder Eduardo Nunez exercised his $5 million player option rather than become a free agent. 另外,紅襪內野手Eduardo Nunez執行他的球員選擇權,將會拿到500萬鎂,不會成為FA。 The 2017 AL Cy Young Award runner-up and a seven-time All-Star, Sale struck out the side in the ninth inning of World Series Game 5 against the Los Angeles Dodgers to close out Boston's fourth championship in 15 seasons. Boston announced its decision Tuesday, two days after the finale. 2017年美聯賽揚獎名單第二名,7屆全明星,Sale在第五戰九局下出場,打敗了躲人,幫助 紅襪拿下15年來的第四座冠軍。紅襪在拿下冠軍後兩天,星期二就宣布的這消息。 The 29-year-old earned his first playoff victory in Game 1 of the AL Division Series against the New York Yankees. Sale went 12-4 with a 2.11 ERA and 237 strikeouts in 27 regular-season starts in his second season in Boston. 29歲的Sale在ALDS的Game 1拿下他季後賽的第一場勝利,打敗紐約洋基。在為紅襪投球的 第二年,出賽27場,12-4,ERA是2.11,237次三振。 He was among the favorites to win the Cy Young this season before shoulder issues during the season's second half. 在本季後段肩傷前,他也是幾位被認為是賽揚熱門候選人之一。 Nunez hit .265 with 10 homers and 44 RBIs in 502 plate appearances, playing second base and third. Nunez總計502次上場打擊,打擊率.265,10支HR,44分打點,防守工作是二壘及三壘。 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次
vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57
william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49
william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51
ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1540955755.A.D5F.html
mileshbk29: 比熊貓便宜 QQ 10/31 11:23
mayzn: 感謝巨人幫付熊貓底薪... 10/31 11:27
douman: 扭捏沒跳出真不錯 10/31 11:31
dragon50119: 休息室吼起來 10/31 11:31
epw: 不留是棒槌 10/31 11:33
duo131: 宇宙襪連霸拼圖get~~再買馬查多吧 10/31 11:41
phosphorus: 拍賣哥值得用1.5億鎂再續約5-6年 10/31 11:42
sh3312037: 希望明年能健康投整季 10/31 11:53
jim12441: 廉價勞工 10/31 11:54
ramirez: 想都不用想 必撿option 10/31 12:07
vic830710: 才15M 光他季賽的成績就值這個錢了 好像沒有不留的道理 10/31 12:13
tia999: 現在15M只能簽3號SP… 10/31 12:15
lingsk: 明年結束後會變FA 那時候應該就會有搶人大戰了 10/31 12:17
otaku32286: 15M能簽到一個ACE 不留是棒槌 10/31 12:19
duepre: 還附贈戰爭咆哮buff 10/31 12:27
yankees733: 當初從白襪那邊換到Sale大賺 10/31 12:46
mornstar524: 拿摩的便宜 10/31 12:49
ck2oliver5: 不只是ACE健康就是CY等級 10/31 12:57
n88526: 超便宜...... 10/31 12:58
theworld666: 這也太划算了!!! 10/31 13:02
benrun: 賽揚級ace 15萬再留一年 薛翻了 10/31 13:22
benrun: 15M打錯 10/31 13:23
golttt: 好便宜 10/31 13:26
vic830710: 別說健康 他今年投這2/3季的成績就差不多值15M了 10/31 13:30
JoseIglesias: 紅襪簽Yoan Moncada花超過六千萬美金 10/31 13:53
JoseIglesias: Moncada成長不如預期是一回事, 交易代價絕對不小 10/31 13:55
noah23: 附加效果:休息室怒吼-勝利的呼召 10/31 14:08
jojo2147: 超便宜 10/31 14:14
poplc: 真的很便宜 依他水準年薪破20M也只是低標吧 30M剛好而已 10/31 14:18
poplc: 若用國科的薪水去比較 根本差太多了 10/31 14:19
yianhua: 真便宜 10/31 14:51
globekiller: 跟國科比便宜到爆 10/31 15:28
kuso10582: 陳偉殷是不是最後一年超過1500萬啊 10/31 15:35
JeffreyLoria: 陳最後一年超過20M 10/31 15:39
qwerty6z: 陳偉殷年均就超過15m了 10/31 15:40
web946719: 他沒進過自由市場 比較便宜是正常 10/31 16:22
hahabis: 他的便宜是用好幾個頂級新秀換來的好嗎 10/31 17:06
borriss: Moncada也三振王啊(X 10/31 17:40
kinglin: 要把Moncada 63M加進去 所以是102.5M/3yr 10/31 17:41
vgil: 15M這麼便宜@@ 10/31 18:19
yaes111: 兩倍價格都划算 10/31 19:10
thisgo: 賽爾可以拒絕嗎? 拒絕後是不是可以跟別的球團簽大約? 10/31 23:42
ChrisDavis: 不行,這是Club Option 11/01 00:06
mayzn: Sale明年就FA了,2019的市場說不定更好 11/01 08:16
MSEstar: 值更大的約 11/10 10:07