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來源: USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y5caltj9 Beltré missing baseball less than he thought after 21 years 在打了21年MLB棒球後 Beltre並沒有如他原先所想的那麼想念棒球 DALLAS (AP) — Adrián Beltré was afraid of how he was going to feel after announcing his retirement last November, a decision the former third baseman had pretty much reached privately a few months earlier during the season. 在去年球季Adrian Beltre私底下考慮後決定要退休,而在去年11月宣布了這決定後,他本 來很擔心他之後會有怎樣的感覺。 While at peace after 21 MLB seasons and 3,166 hits, Beltré still wasn't sure what to expect when the Texas Rangers went to spring training, or when they opened this season without him. 打了21年的MLB球季,累計3166支安打,Beltre原本仍不確定當德州遊騎兵開始春訓或者開 打正規賽而沒有他在球隊上,他會有怎樣的感覺。 "I thought I was going to miss it more, but I'm good," Beltre said Wednesday. "So far it's been good, so hopefully stays that way." 「我本來以為我會很想念棒球,但是我現在很OK,」Beltre在星期三的時候說到。「到目 前為止都很好,希望可以繼續保持。」 Beltre's appearance at the SMU Athletic Forum came about 3½ weeks before he will be back in Texas when the Rangers retire his No. 29 jersey on June 8. Beltre先是參加了SMU運動員論壇,然後會在6/8號的時候回到德州遊騎兵參加他的球衣號 碼退休儀式。 "I've seen the guys play, and talked to the guys and every game I see, I don't feel like I wish I could be there," said Beltré, who passed a big test during spring training when he visited the Rangers' complex when his 12-year-old son was playing a baseball tournament in Arizona. "I miss the guys, hanging around the guys. ... Beyond that, I don't think that I'm missing the game that much." 「我看過這群球員打球,我跟他們聊過天,看他們每一場比賽,我不想要去講說希望我可 以在隊上這種事,」Beltre說。當12歲的兒子在亞歷桑納打棒球賽時,他去了一趟遊騎 兵的春訓營,他也通過了測試。「我想念這群傢伙,想念跟他們在一起的時光...但是除此 之外,我不認為我有很想念棒球。」 The Dominican-born Beltré, the career hits leader for foreign-born players , turned 40 last month. Many of his former teammates were able to celebrate his birthday with him at his California home, since the Rangers' first road trip was against the Los Angeles Angels. 多明尼加出生的Beltre,上個月剛滿40,目前是外籍球員累積安打數第一。很多他的遊騎 兵隊友有去他在加州的家慶祝他的生日,因為遊騎兵本季第一次的客場之旅就是去洛杉磯 打天使。 While the Rangers are about one-fourth of the way through their 162-game season, Beltré spends his days with his family, transporting his three kids to school and their various activities. 當遊騎兵打了正規賽162場比賽的四分之一時,Beltre則是忙著陪伴家人,載他的三個小孩 上下學跟其他各式各樣的活動。 "Retirement is nice, but getting a little busy, too," he said. 「退休很讚,但是好像也有點忙,」他說。 Beltré spent the last eight seasons of his Hall of Fame-caliber career with the Rangers. The four-time All-Star and five-time Gold Glove winner went to his only World Series in 2011, his first season in Texas, and joined the 3,000-hit club in a Rangers home game two years ago. Beltre在最後八年在遊騎兵打球,有著入選名人堂的表現。4屆全明星,5次金手套,在 2011年也就是他加入遊騎兵的第一年,他打入了他生涯唯一一次世界大賽,他也在兩年前 的遊騎兵主場打球時打出了他第3000支安打。 He hit a Texas-high .273 with 15 homers and 65 RBIs in 119 games last season, but was on the disabled list twice because of a strained left hamstring. Calf and hamstring issues in 2017 limited him to 94 games, his fewest since 77 as a 19-year-old rookie with the Los Angeles Dodgers. 他上個賽季表現傑出,119場出賽,打擊率.273,尻了15發全壘打,65個打點,但也因為左 大腿拉傷進了兩次DL。在2017年,他因為小腿以及大腿的問題只打了94場比賽,是他19歲 菜鳥年在躲人打球只出場77場後的最低一年。 When he was hurt last season, Beltré said he pretty much decided it was time to retire. But he never publicly revealed what he was thinking, not even to his immediate family, and allowed himself a chance to mentally prepare that his playing career was going to end. Beltre說當他去年賽季受傷的時候,他就差不多決定是時候該退休了。他從未對外宣布他 的決定,甚至都沒跟他的家人說,這讓他有機會在心理層面上做好他的MLB職業生涯要結束 的準備。 "It gave me time to force my mind to this is it," said Beltré, a .286 career hitter with 477 homers whose 2,759 career games at third base are second only to Hall of Famer Brooks Robinson. 「這讓我有時間去把我的心情做好準備,就是這樣了,」Beltre說,生涯累計打擊率 .286,尻了477發全壘打,生涯以三壘手出賽場次共2759場,僅次於另外一位名人堂球員 Brook Robinson。 Beltré, who was a key leader in the Rangers clubhouse, doesn't expect to be a coach any time soon — if at all. Beltre在遊騎兵球隊裡扮演著主要領導者的角色--若是要當教練的話--不要預期會在近期 的未來就會發生的。 "I don't think I have the patience for it. I don't say I will never do it, I just don't see myself doing it," he said. "I was away my house pretty much for 20-something years, and coaching takes more time. ... I don't think I can do that to my family, at least not yet." 「我不認為我有這樣的耐心去當教練。我不會說我一定不會,只是現在我沒法想像我做教 練的樣子,」他說。「過去20+年我離開我的家庭太久,而當教練會花更多的時間...我不 認為我可以這樣子對待我的家人,至少不是現在。」 -- 吹哥!!!!!!!!!!! -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次
vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57
william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49
william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51
ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1557972345.A.420.html
charlie01: 翻譯:退休好爽R! 05/16 10:09
n61208: 世界大賽打錯囉是2011 05/16 10:11
看錯 已修 謝謝提醒 ※ 編輯: pneumo (, 05/16/2019 10:13:08
LoveATJ: 跟之前看其他人的退休新聞很接近,祝福他 05/16 10:15
aaron97: 可是大家很懷念你搞笑啊 05/16 10:21
yankees733: 吹哥應該也是名人堂了 05/16 10:22
air801130: 但我想你 05/16 10:28
iloveph: 推吹哥 05/16 10:41
MichaelBourn: 應該想念貓王 05/16 10:45
proletariat: 沒人摸頭 爽!? 05/16 11:03
megalink: 想念求婚全壘打 05/16 11:04
dragon50119: 推吹哥 身手還是能打啊 05/16 11:11
l5i9hbba: 推吹哥 05/16 11:25
jet113102: 我好想念吹哥QQ 05/16 11:57
money990160: 3000H 450HR 又沒藥 百分之百進沒問題 05/16 12:23
Sulstan: SMU那段是說他在6/8前三週半回德州參加論壇 05/16 12:28
Sulstan: SMU=Southern Methodist University一般譯為南美以美大學 05/16 12:29
Sanco: 119場有這樣的成績 代表還可以打 可惜了 05/16 13:03
philxiao: 很懷念你!很讚的球員! 05/16 13:06
earnformoney: 傲嬌的吹哥 05/16 13:13
waiting0801: T.T淚推 05/16 14:21
ylrafale: 推崔崔,退休愉快~ 05/16 14:23
ghia73ray: 懷念...推 05/16 14:33
uranusjr: SMU 是監理會創立的 (和美以美是不同的衛理會分支), 現 05/16 14:39
uranusjr: 在比較好的譯名應該是南方衛理公會大學 05/16 14:40
KillLakers: 我怕當教練被摸頭 05/16 16:17
plugtask: 老崔進名人堂有穩嗎? 05/16 17:57
shadow6571: 看來想要彌補這20年對家庭的陪伴 05/16 18:04
JustinIdiot: 很穩 05/16 19:32
borriss: 反正火箭棒子到時一定不在名單上了 不會被甩尾碰到(X 05/16 19:52
MattOlson: 推吹哥 05/17 12:02