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來源: USA Today 網址: https://tinyurl.com/y4g7rx5e Pedro Martinez breaks down in tears while talking about David Ortiz shooting Pedro Martinez在講到David Ortiz槍擊事件時崩潰落淚 Pedro Martinez broke down in tears on MLB Network on Monday night while talking about the shooting of his longtime friend and former Boston Red Sox teammate, David Ortiz. Pedro Martinez星期一在MLB Network節目上講到他長久以來的好友兼前紅襪隊友David Ortiz槍擊事件時崩潰落淚。 "I don't have enough words to describe who David is, what David means to baseball," Martinez said on air. "But I'm so disappointed to know that someone like David, who saved so many lives, can have someone after his life. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But it hurts me. It hurts me." 「我沒有足夠的話可以形容David這個人,以及他對棒球界的意義,」Martinez在節目上說 到。「但是對於像David這樣好的人,拯救過許多生命的人,居然會有人想要他的命,我真 的很失望。我很抱歉(崩潰落淚中),但是這真的傷到我了,真的。」 Ortiz, 43, was shot in the back at close range while he was at a bar in his native Dominican Republic on Sunday night. He had surgery at a local clinic early Monday morning before being flown to Boston, where he will continue to receive treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital. 43歲的Ortiz是在星期天的時候,在他的母國多明尼加的酒吧時背部受到近距離槍擊。他在 當地星期一早上接受了手術,隨後就飛回波士頓,繼續在麻省總醫院接受後續治療。 影片支援: https://twitter.com/i/status/1138294489234235394 Ortiz's assistant, Leo López, told USA TODAY Sports on Monday afternoon that the retired Red Sox star was answering yes or no questions from family members. And López told reporters in the Dominican Republic that the shooting was "no doubt" carried out by hitmen; Dominican police said in a statement Monday that they are investigating the incident. 星期一的時候,Ortiz的助理Leo Lopez告訴USA Today記者這位退休紅襪明星能夠跟家人回 答簡單的問題,他也說到這事件毫無疑問是殺手幹的;而多明尼加警方表示他們會調查這 起案件。 The Red Sox held a moment of reflection before their game at Fenway Park on Monday night, and the baseball community has rallied around the longtime designated hitter known as "Big Papi." 紅襪球團則是在星期一的晚上比賽前在芬威球場舉辦的回顧儀式,而棒球界則是聚集在一 起,分享著這位大家所記得的"Big Papi"。 Martinez, a fellow Dominican native who played with Ortiz in Boston in 2003 and 2004, said his relationship with Ortiz is "beyond what everybody else gets," and that was one of the reasons why he struggled to come to terms with what happened. Martinez也是來自於多明尼加,在2003及2004年與Ortiz在紅襪打球,他說他與Ortiz的關 係之深,遠超過大家所知道的,那也是他講到這起事件時崩潰的理由之一。 "To see someone just want to take his life away, in such a coward way, it bothers me. It bothers me deeply," Martinez said on MLB Network. 「看到有人用這樣低級懦弱的方式想要他的命,那真的很讓我惱火,」Martinez說。 "I just can't take it. I'm here sitting with you guys and I'm trying to have fun, but my heart is with David, with his family, with everybody that cares about David. Because just one coward out there that wanted to do that to someone that didn't deserve it." 「因為一個懦夫對了一個不應該遭受這種傷害的人做了那種事情,我真的無法接受,我 現在跟大家坐在這裡,我試著想要開心一下,但是我的心是在David那邊,跟他的家人,跟 所有關心David的人一起。」 -- 真情流露 -- #1RelwrS2 (MLB) 標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次
vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57
william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49
william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51
ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1560256358.A.552.html ※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 06/11/2019 20:35:19
wa530: 推,怎麼會有人想去傷害Ortiz... 06/11 20:43
rex9999: 美國尼哥向來有殺大牌文化 這點很像台灣8+9幹大事民俗 06/11 20:50
pedrovish: 推 pray for papi 06/11 21:05
zerg1228: 有人是不是誤會他在美國被暗算了...唉 06/11 21:16
swoosh67: 紅襪有情有義 出醫療專機接回美國 06/11 21:54
wsan: 二樓不該用那兩字去形容的 06/11 22:11
mrlucas8891: 二樓的噓文內容不正確政治也不正確 二樓加油好嗎 06/11 22:48
coldplay0211: 二樓不就是小.. 還有人認真 06/11 22:56
JessicaA1ba: 事出必有因,Ortiz不是現役球員,看來要調查過後再來 06/11 23:00
JessicaA1ba: 還他清白,佩卓這話放太早… 06/11 23:00
JessicaA1ba: 之前有個駕遊艇的,一堆惋惜,後來驗出有毒品反應 06/11 23:00
AnitaHailey: 回Jessica 這沒什麼好清不清白的吧 就算Ortiz和別人 06/11 23:07
AnitaHailey: 有怎麼樣的私人恩怨 開槍就是不對 06/11 23:07
Mrlegend: JoFz沾毒酒駕跟惋惜失去一個年輕強投不衝突吧 06/11 23:18
Valter: 驗出喝酒最終也沒證據說他酒駕 只是一堆人捕風捉影 06/11 23:49
mrlucas8891: 惋惜跟他有沒有做錯事是兩碼事啊= = 06/12 00:23
MazdaRx7: 某樓的意思是喝酒吸毒的人都該死 06/12 00:25
b25329110: 2樓怎麼過了那麼多年心智還是沒長進 反社會喔 06/12 00:50
karta1465630: 2樓是在形容他自己吧 06/12 00:59
Akromas: 無風不起浪、事出必有因 ! 特別是刺殺知名人物必有內情!! 06/12 01:06
Akromas: 靜待司法調查真相才是理智觀眾 06/12 01:08
saidon: 歪果有八卦說老爹是因為睡了毒梟老婆所以被尋仇? 06/12 01:24
stpmouse: 樓上的八卦根本不可能......要殺直接爆頭就好 只是要 06/12 02:12
stpmouse: 警告也不會用那麼遜的槍手 還逃不掉 06/12 02:12
saidon: 沒有要殺的意思阿 看在是老爹的面子上只給個警告 06/12 02:18
mrlucas8891: 我是不覺得毒梟會因為他叫Ortiz就不殺啦= = 06/12 05:01
MedEngineer: 認同無風不起浪 事出必有因 總覺得事情並不單純... 06/12 06:53
Sechslee: 射那邊沒死算命大 警告個屁 被暗殺還要等清白? 有腦嗎? 06/12 08:55
JackSmith: 為老爹祈福;不過回顧之類的先別吧,人家還活著呢 06/12 09:38
aikotoba: 不是有新聞來源說他睡毒梟老婆嗎 06/12 10:33
giancarloye: 睡人家老婆... 06/12 10:46
sampsonlu919: 我比較好奇老爹風流惹禍這個傳言是在哪裡看到的 總 06/12 11:22
sampsonlu919: 之還是祝他復健順利 06/12 11:22
JessicaA1ba: 老爹:偶4好人,但是管不住GG...XDDDDDD 06/12 11:36
saidon: 看拔果然是睡毒梟老婆 而且也的確是看老爹的面子才不殺 06/12 11:47
saidon: 意思就是'就算你是老爹踩了線還是要給點教訓' 06/12 11:49
jaysuzuki: 2F自以為懂,蠢爆 06/12 12:04
hoos891405: 哥倫比亞毒梟都直接ㄕㄚˉㄗㄨㄑㄧㄡㄩㄌ 06/12 13:37
pneumo: 樓上BYE 06/12 13:47
david12763: 看到hoo 我直接笑出來XDDD 06/12 16:51