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情報標題: Windows 10 May 2019 update is blocked on PCs with USB drives and SD cards Windows 10 1903更新會因為電腦有裝USB儲存設備而被阻擋,包括記憶卡 情報來源: Windows Central 情報網址: https://www.windowscentral.com/windows-10-may-2019-update- blocked-pcs-usb-drives-and-sd-cards?utm_source=wc_tw&utm_m edium=tw_card&utm_content=64325&utm_campaign=social https://is.gd/Ujr81T 情報完整內文: You can get your hands on Windows 10's big May update before everyone else, but you should remove your external storage devices before you proceed. Windows 10 May update has a weird bug where it was found to be reassigning drive letters for external storage devices. For instance, if you have a USB hard drive that shows up as the D: drive, the update could shuffle it to the E: drive. As a result, Microsoft is blocking the update from installing on PCs that have USB storage or SD cards attached to them: Inappropriate drive reassignment can occur on Windows 10-based computers that have an external USB device or SD memory card attached during the installation of the May 2019 update. For this reason, these computers are currently blocked from receiving the May 2019 Update. This generates the error message that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section if the upgrade is tried again on an affected computer. If you have a USB drive plugged into your PC and try to install the May update, you'll get a message that says, "This PC can't be upgraded to Windows 10." Thankfully, there's a pretty straightforward fix: just remove whatever external storage device that's attached to your PC, and you'll be able to install the update just fine. From Microsoft: A USB device or SD card that's inserted into the computer can cause this issue to occur. To work around this issue, remove the external media and restart the May 2019 Update installation. As noted by Ars Technica, this isn't the first time a Windows update messed with drive letter assignment. Build 1803 would randomly assign letters to recovery partitions, and then deliver incessant notifications about disc space running out. It's a much more manageable issue, but it's still weird that Microsoft wasn't able to catch this during early beta tests. 只挑幾個重點不負責任翻譯: 1.Win10 1903更新程式在偵測到電腦上有外接儲存設備時,會出現「本電腦無法安裝」 的錯誤訊息。 2.這個錯誤的原因是安裝程式在啟動過程中會亂動你的外接磁碟的代號,以至於被系統 當作是類似惡意程式的行為而將其擋下。 3.解決方式很簡單,移除所有外接磁碟,重開機就好。 4.這個問題在剛好一年前的1803也發生過。 心得: 如果這個問題在1803也發生過 那我是不是也需要擔心今年底的1910也會出現用戶資料夾又被清空的災情.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Windows/M.1556174595.A.09A.html
maniaque: 這以前也常有,隨身碟的設定抓成內接硬碟那種的 04/25 16:19
maniaque: 換言之,固定硬碟 C 代號被隨身碟搶走了.... 04/25 16:19
Gavan: 安裝重灌系統最好把硬碟和外接裝置盡可能拔光 04/25 17:00
roccqqck: 可以更新了? 04/25 19:55
kimula01: 有正式版本的ISO下載點了嗎 04/25 20:49
pda2001: 找ilog 04/25 21:08
kimula01: ILOG那個都有加過料的...還是等正式乾淨的官方ISO好了 04/26 14:57
ggirls: md5,checksum都對還可以加料? 04/26 16:18
chenarima: 請問ilog有加什麼料呢!? 04/26 18:55
labbat: 加了一個 哦 讀我檔案 裡面寫md5 checksum 04/26 22:58
DINJIAPC: 只有上一版能無痛更新 最新版1903 iso4月更新會出錯 04/26 23:25
cliff2001: ilog作者都澄清了還可以說他有加料…… 04/29 06:55
homelife: 更新出錯的機率好高哦 04/30 04:06
jones2011: 知道為什麼不少使用者要擋更新了嗎? 04/30 14:26
jones2011: 假設每次更新只弄掛5%的使用者 04/30 14:28
jones2011: 那麼歷經10次更新,估計只有6成使用者能倖存 04/30 14:29
jones2011: 微軟半年只有10次更新? 04/30 14:30
deangood01: 你講的是大更新 半年只有一次大更新... 05/01 01:30
jones2011: 小更新斷網又不是沒發生過=.= 05/01 02:34
ssd860505da: 作業系統本來就沒那麼容易維護啊,要完全沒出錯也很 05/01 18:07
ssd860505da: 難吧。你也可以永遠不要更新等等看像wanna cry的病 05/01 18:07
ssd860505da: 毒來搞你。一堆擋更新被勒索才在那邊哭,夕鶴啦。 05/01 18:07
a9910330: 重灌1903..結果BISO可以讀到其他顆硬碟..進WIN卻抓不到 05/02 11:25
a9910330: 改灌回1809就正常... 05/02 11:25
ksng1092: 此更新非彼更新,不應該混在一起講XD 05/02 12:55
yugif: 勒索病毒起碼能談條件等時效,哪像1809直接撕票 XD 05/05 00:17